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Tips to speed up your lash sets

GOLLEE Pro Eyelash Extension

How to reduce the amount of time spent on putting lash extensions. It is safe to say that the vast majority of us if not all, want to speed up our lashing times. The quicker you can check in and out customers, the more business you can book. Your customers will be happy overall if their visit is completed in a shorter amount of time. This is done, of course, without sacrificing the product’s quality or safety. 

Most lash artists would probably concur that three hours is too long to wait for volume lashes. Some lash salons cannot afford to keep their doors open for an additional hour. The good news is that you can make the process go faster without sacrificing quality by using simple tips and tactics.

Here are some helpful recommendations!

We have some great methods for you to cut down your lashing time and prevent the dreadful topic of having to decline clients simply because you do not have enough hours in the day.

We hope you find these hints and recommendations to speed up your lash extension visits beneficial.

  1. Set up – lash materials and tools

It is crucial to have the appropriate set-up with your tools. All tweezers, tapes, brushes, etc. should be near to you, within arm’s reach, either on a trolley or side table. All of this makes it much simpler when the lash supplies you need are in front of you since you are sitting down for the entire service. It takes up crucial lashing time; if you need to lean over, get out of the chair to dig through the stock to get the proper lash tray. Setting up is personal and individual for each person; thus, it may take some time to find the ‘perfect’ set-up in your cart, on a table, etc.

Place them where you won’t have to stretch or get up from your seat to get them. Put in your time and effort wisely.

  • Lighting

Good lighting is crucial for any cosmetic service. In particular, lash artists need a clear view of every lash, even the tiniest ones. As they cast light downwards and up, overhead lamps, beauty lights, and ring lights are ideal. If the light comes from one side, half of the client’s face will be dark, and it will be impossible to apply eyelash glue. The time it takes to lash something will decrease if you can see what you’re doing.

  • Magnifying Glasses

Applying for the lash extensions will be much simpler if you have appropriate lighting and can see all the lashes clearly. Eyelash adhesives are a gimmick that no one wants. Although they aren’t strictly necessary, magnifying glasses can be handy if you’ve been lashing all day and have trouble seeing well.

  • Lash adhesive

Do you sometimes keep the NL’s extension pressed for too long when you’re by yourself? Could you see a more productive use of your time? Maybe you need to switch to a lash adhesive that dries more quickly!

Several different types of adhesives developed expressly for use with lash extensions are available on the market. Some lash glues, like Gollee’s lash glue, dry in a more leisurely 2–4 seconds.

Those extra few seconds can pile up if you hold the isolated NL longer than the glue time indicates.

If you use a faster-drying adhesive, you won’t have to wait as long before moving on to another healthy NL to lash.

  • Premade or promenade fans

Premade and Promade fans can be a lash artist’s best friend. Premades or promenades are your saviors if you’re having a major slowdown or your unplanned fan creations aren’t working out. Having some on hand is often helpful in these situations.

In contrast to building volume fans by hand, using premade or promenade fans does not require additional training on the user’s part. Applying these falsies is quite similar to classic lashes, except that extra adhesive is needed at the base. It may take some practice, but in the end, it’s faster than building a fan by hand.

  • The Ergonomics of Seating

Not only is maintaining proper posture harmful to your health, but it can also slow down the rate you can deliver blows. When the customer is lying down for their service, you must ensure that you sit at the appropriate height. Back and neck pain can be caused by sitting at a posture that is too high or too low, and if the problem is not handled in its early stages, it could lead to a shorter career in lashing. You should aim to have the client’s head tucked beneath your chest or bust as much as possible. If they are sitting too low on the pillow, you should politely request that they rise, so they are closer to you. When you position the client, their head is under your bust, you will get a better view of their eyelashes. You won’t feel as much discomfort, and the tension in your neck and back will be reduced because we want you to have a successful and gratifying career in lashing!

  • Prepare everything in advance.

Make sure you have clean tweezers, sanitize everything, check that you have fresh glue, turn on and prepare your music, etc. Cut your tape, lay out numerous tweezers, ensure everything is clean, and make sure you have fresh glue. When you do all of the tiny things ahead of time, you save yourself time. If you are familiar with your customers and they have made an appointment for a fill, you will be able to recall the precise lengths and curls you used on that customer. During the lash session, you won’t have to waste time searching through your lash trays because of this. The secret to success lies in preparation and organization!

  • Start with the hard ones.

It has been demonstrated repeatedly that professionals are considerably less likely to make mistakes at the beginning of the day (or even the beginning of an appointment), whether it be the day itself or the appointment. Professionals have a better eye for detail and can concentrate for longer periods. Because of this, it is recommended that you begin by addressing the more challenging lashes first. You should begin by working on the inside and outside corners of your client’s eyes and any annoying baby lashes that are difficult to single out. It will save time and tension if you take care of these things immediately when your client arrives for the appointment. No more racing about putting the finishing touches on things right before the appointment ends. Keep in mind that you should never neglect either the inner or the outer corners. A finished and professional appearance cannot be achieved without them. Put the simple ones at the end, and the whole thing will feel like a piece of cake!

  • Less chatting

During a session for eyelash extensions, it is impossible to remain fully silent due to the nature of the procedure. That would not only be extremely strange and uncomfortable but also prevent you from ever developing a rapport with your customers. It is preferable to catch up with one another and converse at the beginning of the appointment if they arrive while you administer a lash wash or other treatment, etc. Inform the customer that you can complete the lash application in a shorter time if there is less chit-chat going on during the session. Make it possible for them to get some rest and recharge with a refreshing lash nap. A great number of customers take advantage of this period to sneak in a quick snooze and make up for the lost time in their sleep schedules. Always ensure your client has a comfortable experience when using your lash bed. If you are an extremely experienced lash technician and are great at chit-chatting as you work, then you are exempt from this particular requirement. Keep in mind that when you are conversing with a customer, they are more inclined to open their eyes. Remind the customer that for their safety, they must keep their eyes closed at all times throughout the process.

  • Make sure that your clients put their phones away.

Certain customers should expect to be contacted via email, text message, and phone call on an ongoing basis. Some people will even ask you to read a text aloud or answer the phone when they receive a call. This takes time away from the scheduled appointment for lash extensions. It’s a good rule of thumb to let your customers know ahead of time that you do not permit them to use their phones while they are getting their lashes done. After all, people can’t see their phones, and you can’t lash out while reading emails aloud. Inform your customers that they can check their phones before and after their scheduled session. If there is a crisis or someone is expecting an essential call, you will always make an exception.

  • Get a hold of a hygrometer.

It’s possible that your adhesive will start acting strangely when the temperature and weather continue to fluctuate. Using a hydrometer can assist with these challenges and serve as a point of reference for you.

  • Train on a mannequin as well as a sponge.

Make sure you practice on a lash mannequin or a sponge before applying false eyelashes. Putting up the effort to improve one’s speed through regular practice is essential.

You need plenty of practice making the micromovements involved in applying the adhesive, isolating the area, and forming the fan. Your speed will improve noticeably if you commit to doing this daily for at least an hour or two.

  • Make use of eyelash taping.

Tape can divide the lower lashes as you work on them, which can help you visualize the lashes better when you are working on the inner corners of your eyes. You will spend considerably less time searching for the precise lashes to put the extension on, which will save you time and make a considerable difference in the timing of the process.

  • Make use of lash maps.

When you are just starting, doing lash mapping is necessary. This is especially true if you are not accustomed to the various lash curls, lengths, and styles you will apply to your clients.

Additionally, it is a lot simpler and takes away a lot of the guessing from your set, which is especially helpful if you are having trouble keeping track of things, forgetting, or thinking about many things. It is of great assistance and enables you to get more work done quickly.

Things that customers can do to assist in speeding up the application of eyelashes.

  • Having arrived with clean lashes and a clean eye area

Your customers can help you finish the lash extension procedure more quickly if they keep their appointment times and arrive on time for their appointments and clean their lashes before they come in. If they arrive with their eye area cleaned previously, you can immediately begin applying the gel eye pads and lashes for their set. If you do find minor traces of make-up residue or debris on the client, it will be quicker and easier to clean in a few minutes rather than spending half the time clearing everything off. This will save you time.

Imagine this: if your client comes to their appointment right after a big night out, they will most likely still have eyeshadow, smudged eyeliner, and maybe even some mascara (which is a big no-no!). Cleaning the lashes from all the make-up can take between 20 to 30 minutes or even more of the allotted time for lash extensions. Or if your client comes to their appointment right after a big night out on the town, they will use most Lashes that have been thoroughly cleaned, not only adhere to extensions better but will also draw less debris and maintain their set for a longer period. Extensions adhere better to clean lashes.

Remind your customers that they should also wash their lashes every day, and if they are confused about properly cleaning their extensions, gently remind them how to do so.

  • Being punctual for scheduled events

This involves getting to the salon five minutes before the scheduled appointment time starts. You are aware that various factors can cause clients’ tardiness, but making sure to leave with more than adequate time to be at the salon will guarantee that the service will begin on time. Clients u will also get the most out of their session to have their lashes done. If they are five or ten minutes late for their appointment, this may cut into the time allotted for the lash application, and the results may not be up to the level that you would like them to depart with.

  • Silent treatment

Although having a strong relationship with your customers is essential to your company’s success, it is not always beneficial during the entirety of the lash application process. It can harm clients’ lash time if they engage in lengthy talks while you are working.

When customers are chatting, this indicates that their faces are moving, which makes it more difficult to apply their lashes (especially if the customer is lively, even with their eyes closed, or when they grin and laugh), which in turn results in a greater amount of time being spent.

When lash artists are overly engaged in the discussion, they are unable to concentrate on the lashes, and they are also unable to get into the correct frame of mind, both of which lead to lost time.

If a customer is not in the best of moods and simply requires some quiet time to themselves while being pampered, you could also recommend “silent treatments.” During the lash application, most salons allow customers to bring in their wireless headphones to catch up on their favorite podcasts or listen to the music of their choice. This is because large, bulky headphones that hang over the head could interfere with the lash artist’s seating position. In this method, the lash artist can create the perfect set of lashes for you using their skills.

  • Avoid drinking anything with caffeine in it before the appointment.

Caffeine can cause the customer to have to use the restroom more frequently, and it can also cause their eyes to become agitated. The difficulty of applying eyelashes is increased when a person has fluttery eyes, which results in the appointment taking significantly longer.

Final thoughts

The only thing that will improve your timing with quality lash extensions is practice, practice, and more practice. It certainly doesn’t hurt to have a few ideas to aid you along the way, though, does it? We hope that these pointers will assist you in becoming a faster lasher. We guarantee that if you put these tips into practice, you will notice a difference in both your speed and your wallet.

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