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How to Create The Perfect Lashing Environment

GOLLEE Pro Eyelash Extension

If you’re wondering how to create the perfect lash environment, you’ve come to the right place! The right lash environment can make all the difference in how your lashes look and feel, which means that how you set up your lash room can be more important than you might think. By making sure that your space is well-lit, organized, clean, comfortable, and warm, you’ll help to ensure that every customer gets the most out of their lash appointment and that you’re giving them the best possible experience. Let’s go over the essential components of a great lash environment one by one so that you can get started on creating yours today!

Here are some steps to setting up your lash environment:


The most common mistake people make is not having enough light sources throughout their lash studio. If possible, invest in lights that are specifically designed for beauty salons—the additional cost is worth it because these lights are typically high quality and produce less heat than standard bulbs (so they won’t damage lashes). Having proper lighting in your studio will help ensure that you do not strain yourself while working. Too much light may cause difficulty in seeing clearly, as well as too little light. The general rule is that all areas should have ample lighting so that everything within eyesight can be seen clearly.

Proper lighting is key for any number of reasons. First, it sets the mood. A dimly lit space will make lashes feel more relaxed and calm, while a bright room can have an energizing effect that makes clients feel more positive about their lashes. Second, proper lighting allows you to see what you’re doing. It also makes both you and your client look good in photos—which is always a plus! Finally, good lighting encourages repeat business as clients leave happy with their experience and want to come back again when they need another touch-up or re-lash session. In short: Make sure your studio has ample lighting! Also, be sure to use plenty of mirrors. Clients should be able to see themselves from all angles, which helps them relax and enjoy their experience even more.

GOLLEE Pro Eyelash Extension


It’s best to choose a location that has an inviting, easy-to-access front entrance for your clients. You’ll also want to make sure that you choose a place that provides plenty of on-street parking for your potential customers, especially in high-traffic areas. Many times, though, good spots can be difficult to find; if you do have trouble finding a suitable location for your lash business, talk with a commercial real estate agent about what kinds of properties are available in your area or in any place you would like to build your lashing business. Look out for options like storefronts and second stories or second-floor buildings—they may be more expensive than other options but they can help establish greater visibility among passersby and future customers. If you plan to operate out of your home, make sure it’s clean and comfortable enough for others. Make sure there is room to set up stations where people can sit comfortably while getting their lashes done. As we mentioned earlier, having a great location is one of the most important things when starting your eyelash business.

Think about where you’re going to set up your eyelash salon — as in literally where you plan on setting up your shop. Location is important for many reasons but one big factor is the accessibility and convenience of your shop: You need people to be able to easily get to you!


The set-up for your eyelash business or lash salon is also one of the most important to provide an experience that will have clients coming back for more. If you can’t feel like you’re at home, you won’t want to come back. Ask yourself: Is it easy to access? Are there enough seats/stools/mats/washrooms available? Is everything easy to find and well-lit? Are there electrical outlets nearby? Does it smell nice? Lash set-up should be really comfortable, inviting, and conducive to relaxation in order for clients to enjoy themselves fully. Set up should not be limited to just chairs, stools, and washrooms. There are plenty of ways to make a customer’s visit a little more pleasant. Consider adding magazines, newspapers, or books; soft lighting; music; relaxing scents (candles); heaters; TVs with sports channels on mute… anything that makes them feel relaxed while they wait. While small touches like these don’t cost much, they can help give your clientele a wonderful experience and make them happy customers who will definitely return regularly!

GOLLEE Pro Eyelash Extension


Your business’s cleanliness should always be your top priority. A clean and organized space is not only important for your clientele, but it’s crucial to the safety of your employees. Make sure you follow all manufacturer guidelines when using products in your studio. The use of product ingredients and its disposal must be strictly followed – including proper training of employees who may not know the importance of how to use and store chemicals properly. Make sure they are trained and informed well. Discuss the risks that come with improper chemical handling and provide them with PPE if necessary, then follow its usage as needed or required by law. Be extra careful about labeling your products correctly when working around clients at all times (even for quick touch-ups). You might use the wrong product for your client which can be a big problem.

At any place of business, cleanliness is a key ingredient to success. When it comes to eyelash services, cleanliness isn’t just important for appearances, but also for health and safety. Lashes and adhesives can easily carry bacteria and germs—if not handled properly or cleaned frequently, they could spread conditions like pink eye or conjunctivitis. Keeping your equipment clean can help reduce exposure to potentially toxic chemicals. If you are an esthetician who offers lashes as part of their beauty services, you should be washing your hands regularly between each client. If possible, get in the habit of using new gloves each time you do a service. As far as cleaning goes, use fresh disinfectant wipes between clients to wipe down surfaces and make sure your tools are kept separate from other products that might contain bacteria. Cleaning them after, like sanitizing them every use will help keep your tools free from build-up that can make germs and cause infection if touched during a service.

GOLLEE Pro Eyelash Extension


Though you may have heard otherwise, the temperature can have a huge impact on your client’s lashes. If your salon isn’t properly climate-controlled, or you’re working in a space that’s too hot or too cold, it could make your client uncomfortable and cause their eyelashes to droop. That being said, there is the right temperature for lash enhancement services. The FDA recommends keeping spaces between 68 degrees and 76 degrees Fahrenheit— anything higher can be dangerous to clients with certain medical conditions. However, those with other health issues may need specific temperatures; it’s important to speak to your clients if they have any questions or concerns about what will work best for them before starting the procedure.

It is important to keep a temperature balance inside your eyelash salon.  It also depends on what type of lashes you’re using and how long they are, whether it would be better if you made the salon’s room colder or warmer. It is best to check with your manufacturer for guidance on ideal temperatures. You can always adjust your air conditioning or heating system up or down depending on what feels more comfortable for you and your clients. When you are eyelash extensions, if there are many clients coming in together to set your temperature accordingly eyelash extensions can take long hours to put, so you will not also hurt their eyes during the process of putting the eyelash extensions to clients.


The perfect lash set can make or break your business, whether you’re an independent lash artist or working in a salon or spa. When you’re starting out, you may not realize just how important the set-up of your room is to the outcome of your services. From lighting to the location to temperature and more, knowing how to create the perfect lashing environment will ensure that you give your clients the best possible experience – and that they’ll come back for more!

Whether it’s your first time trying out lash extensions or you’re already a seasoned expert, remember that you want to make your clients feel comfortable and relaxed at all times. That way, they’ll enjoy their experience and become loyal customers! The environment in which you set up your lash business has an impact on how many customers you get and how can they be loyal to your business, so it’s important to create the perfect environment. Find out what that looks like and what elements you need by keeping this guide in your mind on how to create the perfect lashing environment.

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