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The wonders of the perfect salon manner

You are familiar with the sensation. Calls are coming in, and you're running around like crazy trying to get everyone (and everything!) organized while maintaining as much composure, friendliness, and competence as possible. It's a big ask! There are times when it appears to be impossible. However, you must maintain your composure because even a mistake or unfavorable phone call can tarnish the salon's reputation. In light of this, we have provided a list of seven essentials regarding salon phone manners.

Table of Contents -
  1. 1 The 7 Golden Rules of Proper Salon Phone Etiquette
    1. 1.1 1. Laugh and take deep breaths
    2. 1.2 2. Refer to the caller by their name
    3. 1.3 3. Maintain a Regular Schedule for Your In-Person Interactions Manner
    4. 1.4 5. Be familiar with the services offered and the procedures of your salon
    5. 1.5 6. You should always ask for their contact information when someone calls
    6. 1.6 7. Refrain from Taking Things Too Personally
  2. 2 A comprehensive list of 15 useful suggestions for salon receptionists.
  3. 3 Essentials for greeting customers for receptionists working in beauty salons
    1. 3.1 1. Receptionists are at the forefront of the marketing battle.
    2. 3.2 2. The strength of the word "Yes."
    3. 3.3 3. It is rude to leave a customer waiting at the front desk alone.
    4. 3.4 4. Because the reception is busy, you shouldn't ignore the customers.
    5. 3.5 5. Never discuss your salon customers in front of other patrons.
    6. 3.6 6. At the front desk, you should maintain positive body language.
    7. 3.7 7. Are you speaking in an appropriate manner of tone?
    8. 3.8 8. Make a strong and long-lasting impression by mentioning their name.
    9. 3.9 9. On reception, a simple "please" and "thank you" can go a long way.
    10. 3.10 10. Clients will appreciate your efforts to educate them on your salon's procedures.
    11. 3.11 11. Effective scheduling is achieved through the sale of time by receptionists.
    12. 3.12 12. The people who work at your salon are also your clients.
  4. 4 Wave goodbye
    1. 4.1 13. Make a genuine compliment.
    2. 4.2 14. Smile as you are saying goodbye.
  5. 5 While clinging to the telephone
    1. 5.1 15. Phone etiquette for lash salon receptionists.
  6. 6 Final Thoughts

The 7 Golden Rules of Proper Salon Phone Etiquette 

1. Laugh and take deep breaths

First things first, make sure you're breathing properly. It would help if you always used a happy tone when you answer the phone, no matter how you feel.

Next, smile! Believe it or not, when you smile, there is a discernible change in how you speak. Therefore, you should force a smile even if you don't like it because it helps you be more approachable.

2. Refer to the caller by their name

The word most closely resembles a person's identity is their name. After the caller has introduced themselves, their name must be used consistently throughout the conversation. For instance, "Yes, Mary, let me see if John is free!" or "Thanks for calling Mary!" are two examples of appropriate responses.

People tend to remember the smallest of particulars. One way to ensure the calling person feels listened to and appreciated is to do the following.

3. Maintain a Regular Schedule for Your In-Person Interactions Manner

Bubbly when you talk to them on the phone, but not so much when you see them in person? Be sure that the customer service they receive at the reception desk of your salon is always the same, regardless of whether they call or come in person. What else could you do to 'wow' those who call in, your customers, or those who walk in?

4. Try to Understand the Perspective of Angry Customers

Take a few slow, deep breaths and focus your attention intently on the underlying meaning of the angry calls. Where does this feeling of helplessness originate? What exactly isn't being communicated?

Maintaining your composure and calm will allow you to concentrate on considering the customer's needs. No experience compares to the one of being ignored or not taken seriously. As soon as your client understands you are on "their side," the call's tone should naturally shift into a two-sided conversation about resolving the issue. You should always try to resolve problems as quickly as is practicable, but if that can't be done for whatever reason, you should let the person who called you know what you plan to do next. Always tell the truth and make good on your commitments.

5. Be familiar with the services offered and the procedures of your salon

It is not unusual for potential customers to call and request additional information about the service(s) if they wish to schedule an appointment. Always keep a document on hand that contains the answers to frequently asked questions regarding the treatments, services, and procedures that your salon offers. As time passes, you will be able to respond to increasing inquiries without needing to get the information from someone else while you put the customer on hold.

6. You should always ask for their contact information when someone calls

Request as many different contact details as you possibly can. If there is something you are unsure of, please ask again. This is of the utmost importance for any bookings made via telephone. If the client's email address or phone number contains an error, they will not be reminded of their appointment. Verify that the calling customer already has a client card and that all of the information on that card is current.

7. Refrain from Taking Things Too Personally

Don't let anything that happens affect how you feel about yourself. People frequently have the misconception that to get their point across, they must get angry or be extremely loud. When something like this occurs, you should make an effort, to the best of your ability, not to feel upset or overly affected. If you demonstrate understanding and a willingness to listen to your customers, they should feel much more at ease.

A comprehensive list of 15 useful suggestions for salon receptionists.

Did you know that the 11th of May is designated National Receptionist Day? It is a wonderful chance for you to express your appreciation to the receptionists at your salon via the social media platform of your choice.

The front desk staff greatly assists your marketing efforts and the recruitment of new salon customers. In addition, whenever I'm nearby, I can't help but go inside because I enjoy playing the mystery shopper role.

Imagine that I walked into your salon or beauty supply store this morning.

Would your warm, welcoming, well-run reception desk have blown me away with its efficiency and care? Or are you secretly cringing at the prospect of an unannounced visit to your front desk, where I will be greeted by a receptionist who speaks only a single word?

We believe that receptionists are one of your salon's most valuable marketing tools, even though some people view them as an expensive luxury. We will explain why:

Investing in the staff at the front desk of your salon will:

  • Transform prospective customers into actual paying customers.
  • Increase the success of your marketing campaigns, improve customer loyalty, raise average spending, and boost retail sales.
  • Here are our top 15 ideas and practical tips for receptionists; however, remember that consistency is the most important factor in all aspects of salon marketing...

Essentials for greeting customers for receptionists working in beauty salons

1. Receptionists are at the forefront of the marketing battle.

Receptionists are the most important factor in marketing success. Because they are the initial point of contact for customers and potential customers, they must know everything there is to know about everything.

Therefore, they should make sure that the team informs them of the specifics of the most recent advertising campaign that is being distributed on social media, the particulars of the latest product that is being promoted on Instagram, and the terms and conditions of all of your marketing promotions, both online and offline.

Callers will be looking for information, so ensure that they have it readily available to contribute to the company's successful marketing.

2. The strength of the word "Yes."

Always explain to the customer what they can do to help them. It's far too simple to fall into negative thinking.


"Sue is available on the 18th at 3.30 pm on Tuesday or the 20th at 10.15 am on Thursday." Are either of these options suitable for you, considering that she is off on Wednesdays?

It is much more helpful and accommodating than saying, "Sue doesn't work on Wednesdays." That wraps up the conversation.

Recognize the power of the word "Yes," and keep an eye out for opportunities to assist your customers.

3. It is rude to leave a customer waiting at the front desk alone.

When the phone rings, the receptionist is in the middle of a conversation with a customer in reception. Always awkward, I know.

However tempting it may be, they shouldn't just up and leave the customer to pick up the phone, even if it's just to put an end to the persistent ringing.

Just keep in mind that the customer who is physically present in front of them should be given priority over someone who calls on the phone.

Allow the caller to leave a message on the answering machine, then get back in touch with them as soon as the customer leaves the salon.

4. Because the reception is busy, you shouldn't ignore the customers.

Are you engaged in conversation with a customer when the doorbell rings?

When a customer walks through the door, you should acknowledge them as soon as possible. The most effective greeting is one that consists of a smile, a nod, and the words, "I'll be with you shortly, please take a seat." Ignoring the ever-increasing line of customers causes them to furiously fume in silence, and they begin their haircut or beauty treatment feeling irritable.

5. Never discuss your salon customers in front of other patrons.

However tempting it may be to vent your frustrations to a coworker or discuss some juicy gossip, you should hold off on doing so until you are no longer on the salon floor. It is not only unprofessional but also leaves those customers who overhear you wondering what you are saying about them behind their backs.

6. At the front desk, you should maintain positive body language.

Maintaining consistent eye contact is an effective way to communicate your interest and sincerity. Keeps arms open. Keep your chin up. And smile 😀.

You can find additional body language tips and ideas for your salon team here, and here is a helpful short video on using your hands to communicate cooperation, sincerity, and reliability. Here is the link. Both of these locations are fantastic options for hosting a training session for the reception team.

7. Are you speaking in an appropriate manner of tone?

Make sure that your tone of voice and your non-verbal communication (body language) are consistent with one another.

Maintain a cheery, enthusiastic, and helpful tone at all times, even if the customer is being difficult and demanding. Your use of sarcasm or an aggressive demeanor will not help the situation and will only make it worse.

8. Make a strong and long-lasting impression by mentioning their name.

Make sure to use the customer's name throughout the meet and greet, but especially at the beginning and end of the session.

We are all fond of the way that our name is pronounced, and it elicits positive responses from us. But be careful not to go overboard, as it will quickly turn corny and insincere if you do.

9. On reception, a simple "please" and "thank you" can go a long way.

Being grateful can have a significant impact on how others see you, particularly in a positive light. And it's not even difficult.

These few words can make a big difference in how people respond to you, which, by itself, can make the job of a receptionist significantly less stressful.

10. Clients will appreciate your efforts to educate them on your salon's procedures.

In many salons, the receptionist also serves as the salon coordinator, directing the flow of work among the team and guiding customers through the booking and payment processes. You must understand all of the business systems to be able to explain 'what, why, and where' to customers who are often skeptical.

The testing of the skin for allergies is an excellent illustration of this. The majority of customers consider this to be an unnecessary visit. A tedious task indeed. A receptionist who has received adequate training is aware of the reasons why a test is necessary for the client's health (as well as for the sake of your salon insurance) and can explain the benefits to the client while also making it as easy as possible for the client to stop by the salon.

11.  Effective scheduling is achieved through the sale of time by receptionists.

Try to schedule your appointments so that they are immediately following one another and avoid having random gaps of 15 minutes between them. If a client requests 11.30 am and the appointment before them ends at 11.15 am, you should coax the client in a way that is kind but firm so that they will start their appointment at 11.15 am.

12. The people who work at your salon are also your clients.

It's easy to forget about this fact, but the people who work at your salon are your internal customers. It is your responsibility to assist these customers in your capacity as a receptionist and salon coordinator.

  • complete their rows or columns
  • , time management on their end,
  • create a WOW client experience

You should show them appreciation, be polite, and respect their time in the same way that you would with any other customer.

Wave goodbye

It is very important to maintain a client's loyalty by paying attention to how they feel as they leave the salon. Consider the following, as you are the client's final point of contact and the imprint they take away from their experience at the salon:

13. Make a genuine compliment.

Everyone appreciates an honest compliment. Even if their new hairstyle or nail color is not to your liking, make an effort to find something else about them that appeals to you, such as their handbag, coat, or lipstick; this should not be difficult.

When it comes to giving compliments, sincerity is everything, and this is where your awareness of other people's body language comes in handy. If your posture, facial expression, and arms are sending a different silent message, you may want to check your lips to see if they are communicating the same thing.

14. Smile as you are saying goodbye.

When working in a busy spa, it is all too simple to simply take their payment and move on to the next customer in line as quickly as possible.

Simply giving them a smile and a sincere thank you can convey how much you value their patronage. It will leave people with the most favorable impression possible.

While clinging to the telephone

15. Phone etiquette for lash salon receptionists.

Respond to incoming phone calls promptly, preferably before the third ring, and always have a notepad nearby to jot down relevant information such as names, email addresses, and phone numbers if you are unable to access your salon management software.

Your current customer who is calling is your top priority. Do you need to step away from the caller so that you can check on something for them? Never put someone on hold without first requesting their permission; simply ask, "Would you mind holding for a moment?” When you do return to the call, you should always thank the caller for holding.

And now, at long last, everyone can see your happy face. Therefore, regardless of how much your feet hurt or how aggravated your most recent customer made you, always remember to.

Final Thoughts

Your salon's best-kept marketing secret tool.

The client's first and last impressions of your salon are the responsibility of the person who works at the front desk. In light of this, your front desk should be considered one of the most important marketing tools you have, although many owners view it more as a cost center than a marketing tool.

Just keep in mind that consistency is the name of the game when it comes to marketing a salon, so why not take your top ten tips from this blog, create a checklist of reception tips, and pin it (discreetly) inside your front desk to help your team improve their performance?

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