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Ways To Truly Relax During Your Eyelash Extension Service

GOLLEE Pro Eyelash Extension

Let’s face it, life isn’t always perfect.  I think we can all agree that life can be stressful.  We are busy juggling work, family, and friends, and sometimes we do not take enough time to relax and unwind.

Any beauty treatment like eyelash extensions can be a great time to relax!  However, if you are a beginner or if you have an appointment in a new salon, relaxing and getting used to the surroundings can be a bit difficult for some.  But how can you make it a relaxing experience?

For some, going to a beauty service seems like an absolute luxury, with which we all tend to substantially agree.  Getting your eyelashes done is considered your right, a ritual moment of peace to be enjoyed!  The time you spend relaxing on a super-soft bed while an expert carefully works to make your eyes pop pays for itself in the time you save getting ready morning and evening, so go with the flow.

It is important to you, as a lash artist, to provide your clients with a quiet and comfortable place to forget about the cares of the world for a few hours during their lash extensions process.  When you set the mood, your customers will enjoy themselves and learn to look forward to the calm and relaxing experience they so badly need.

Can your client sleep while getting their eyelashes done

Absolutely!  Some lash artists prefer when their clients fall asleep.  Don’t worry about them falling asleep, every lash artist wants their clients to be as comfortable as possible during their appointment!

Your clients getting their lash extensions turns into a whole relationship.  Both the client and the lash artist must work together to achieve the desired look and best possible retention.

“Lash Nap” is one of the most refreshing naps (physically and mentally) they can take.  During the eyelash extension process, their eyes should remain closed and it is best to remain as still as possible.  You can let have a blanket and some soothing tunes to sleep with.  At the end of their service, they will wake refreshed and with a new or restored set of luscious eyes to go about their day.

Can your clients listen to music while receiving an eyelash extension treatment?

Yes!  You can of course bring a headset and audio player so they can listen to music while the lashes are being applied.  Although many lash extension clients fall asleep during the procedure, music can help enhance the relaxing experience provided by their luxurious stylist.

Listening to music is a great way to tune in and enjoy some much-deserved time on their appointment.

Some salons have a huge playlist made just for their clients to enjoy during their sessions, get carried away by the news, listen to their favorite podcast, or listen to an audiobook.

Can your clients make calls or press their phones while getting their eyelash extensions done?

No!  Absolutely not.  Since their eyes will be closed, they will not be able to use their cell phones.

They can bring their phones,  but be sure they put them on silent mode.  They need to stay away from all SMS notifications or phone calls, it is just a distraction for you as an artist and your lash clients.

During this time they cannot open their eyes.  Laying still is very important during the lashing session.  The lashes are very short hair and when they move it is difficult to keep the lashes isolated from the other lashes.

Sometimes it can be tempting to take hands-free calls while they fix their lashes. Please ensure that they put their phones away and mute so you as their lash artist will not be distracted by the task at hand.

GOLLEE Pro Eyelash Extension

Ways to help your clients relax before their eyelash extension treatment.

Every day we are met with deadlines and responsibilities and sometimes we can forget about self-love and relaxation for our mental health.  Below are some tips to help your clients relax before their eyelash extension treatment.

No caffeine before the date and avoid energy drinks

Coffee contains CAFFEINE and is a big no-no before their lash appointment. They should try to avoid caffeinated or high-energy drinks that can keep them awake.  These should be taken early in the morning if really necessary.

A sip of that perfect Starbucks almond milk latte or a daily dose of caffeine can help them get through their busy day effortlessly, but when it is time to pamper themselves, be sure to let them know to avoid caffeine!  How?  Well, caffeine stimulates the brain and gives you that big boost of energy to take on the day!  However, if they are looking to relax during their appointment, it is always advisable to avoid taking caffeine-based products that will only help them relax more easily.

Expect!  There is more!  Caffeine also acts as a stimulant that makes your eyes extremely restless and blinky!  This makes it difficult for you as an artist to apply the lashes and this could end up as a bad job!

Drink a relaxing hot tea before your appointment.

This is a self-love session, where they should be at peace with their mind, body and soul.  Advise them to drink chamomile tea at least 45 minutes before their appointment to induce sleep.  This will give their body enough time to metabolize the tea and the chemical compounds will start working around their body, causing sedating sensations.

GOLLEE Pro Eyelash Extension

Turn off the phone.

Believe it or not, we can all use a little free time from our phones from time to time!  But, given the current situation and work schedules, we just can not find the time!  So, let your clients know that they can use their lash extension appointment as the perfect opportunity to turn off their phones and even take a quick nap or just relax without worrying about unnecessary social media notifications.  This could be the perfect detox and self-care opportunity they’ve been dreaming of for a long time!

We know that staying away from our mobile phones is not easy, but we highly recommend that you take this time to disconnect from the world and relax.  Just lie back and relax while your artist does the work.

Chit Chat with your lash clients… Or maybe not!

As a lash artist, you are there to advise your clients on the best lash style for their eye shape, so if you feel comfortable, feel free to chat with them!  A few laughs or just interacting with your clients will not only help them relax, but they will also be able to make a connection with you.  But of course, if you want them to relax ԛuietly to allow them properly relax, you can too!  This is their time, their “me” time.

Ways to help your clients relax during their eyelash extension treatment.

Here are 5 ways you can help your clients feel relaxed throughout their lash extension treatment and leave the lash salon happy and well-rested.  A relaxed customer experience begins with the following:

Make clients feel welcome with lash extensions

Once your client walks into your salon or lash salon, make her feel welcome and important.  Everyone has their own stress, including yourself, but don’t let it affect your mood and your work.

Smile and sincerely ask your customer how she is doing.  Treat your customers like you welcome them home, offer them a light snack (when possible), hang up their coats, and ask if they need to use the restroom.  This is the best way to make them feel comfortable and relaxed before the eyelash extensions.

Help clients feel comfortable with eyelash extensions

Your client will be in bed for at least 1 to 3 hours depending on the type of service desired.  Help your client feel comfortable by offering a leg pillow, blanket or extra pillows to support their back and legs while they lay down.  A client who is relaxed and comfortable will likely fall asleep and take that much-needed nap.

Make sure you always have clean sheets and proper eyelash pads on hand for all eyelash extension appointments.

Turn on a diffuser when doing eyelash extensions.

Smelling pleasant and relaxing scents can help put your customers at ease.  Diffusers are the ideal tool to help you with this.  Electric diffusers help spread soothing scents around the room without being too overwhelming.  Since the oil is mixed with water, the potency or fragrance is not excessive for your client.  Less is more, so if this is your first time using a particular perfume, be careful to add half the recommended amount, then adjust as needed.

Add relaxing and calming scents such as lavender, jasmine, vanilla, sea breeze, lemon, cinnamon, peppermint, ylang-ylang, etc. to your diffuser.  You can also mix these scents together with other citrus flavors like orange and lime to add an extra touch of freshness to the room during eyelash extensions.

Keep it calm and ԛuite

Some stylists like to chat with their clients, of course, however, a little less chat allows your client to really relax, which all eyelash extension stylists want their clients to do during their service!  So don’t feel like you have to talk.  Keep calm and let your client relax while you do her magic of her!

Make sure you choose the right playlist that can relax your clients but also encourage you to work while applying for the lash extensions.  You may feel sleepy if you choose super relaxing music.  Balance is the key.  Find playlists with relaxing music like pop, smooth jazz, country, smooth rock or even reggae (if you like).  Once you’ve found the perfect playlist, be sure to adjust the volume so it’s not too loud.

Offer snacks during eyelash extensions

An added bonus for customers is the free snacks.  With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we sometimes forget to drink water or don’t even realize we’re thirsty.  Light snacking can help restore your client’s headspace and mood.

Keep in mind that your client will be lying down for a few hours, so you don’t want her to drink too much, otherwise, she will have to use the bathroom during eyelash extensions.  In addition, caffeine tends to make customers nervous, so offer snacks that do not contain caffeine.

GOLLEE Pro Eyelash Extension

Listen to soothing music while applying eyelash extensions

Music is the best way to relax your customers.  One of the main benefits of music is that it works as a stress reliever.  Put a great Spotify playlist on your phone, then connect it to the speakers and hit play.

Choose a low-stress appointment time

If possible and your client’s schedule allows, let them choose an appointment time that will keep their stress level low and allow them to truly relax during their service.  For example, if they make an appointment during lunchtime or the cut is closed just before another engagement, they may feel stressed about having to worry about where they need to be next.  However, we know that sometimes you just have to work on things when you can, so let them do what you need to do, but if possible advise them to take that extra time to really relax!

How to handle an anxious lash extension client?

Anxiety is so common and now people are less afraid to talk about it, a step in the right direction I say!

It is not uncommon for a client to get nervous and anxious during her lash appointment, especially clients applying lashes for the first time!  The thought of having to sit still for hours with your eyes closed can be stressful, but it is only when the process has begun that real anxiety, or even claustrophobia, can arise.  It can not just be an unpleasant experience.  for the customer, but it can also be very stressful for the technician!  So, here are some tips on how you can help ease your client’s anxiety and give them a more positive lashing experience.

Information is essential

Before their appointment starts and they lie down on the bed, walk them through the process and let them know what to expect.  Let them know things like;  approximately how long the appointment will last, how the lashes are applied, and the safety measures you take to avoid damaging your natural eyes or lashes and give them the opportunity to ask questions before starting.  Knowing exactly what to expect in advance can help relieve anxiety and negative misconceptions.  Once you get started, telling them what you are doing while doing it can also be helpful.

Provide them with a distraction

Having something else to focus on can be immensely helpful and a welcome distraction.  Let them know it is okay for them to plug in their headphones and listen to soothing, relaxing music during their eyelash extension sessions.  Having a stress ball on hand to offer them would be another option to consider.  You can always distract them from their discomfort by engaging them in conversation, making them talk by asking them about their job, hobbies, current events, or personal interests.

Work on both eyes at the same time

Working on both eyes at the same time will keep the lashes even in case your client becomes too restless or claustrophobic to continue.  This will also allow you to give them the option to stop or continue when you have completed half a set.  At that point, they will know if they can tolerate it and continue with a full game, or if they prefer not to finish.

Give them a heads-up before they arrive for treatment

Most clients may not even realize that they will experience anxiety while applying for eyelash extensions and think they can tolerate it well, so it is a good idea to give them some tips to avoid an unpleasant experience beforehand.  At the time the appointment is scheduled, or when you provide them with an appointment reminder, let them know that it might be a good idea for them to have a calming cup of herbal tea or even a glass of wine to calm their nerves.  .  Most importantly, let them know to avoid caffeine as it will only increase their anxiety!  You can also let them know that it is okay for them to fall asleep while they are applying their lashes.  This is also a great opportunity to let them know to bring anything that might help them to their appointment, like a pair of headphones.


Eyelash extensions can be a great opportunity to feel relaxed and pampered!

When your client walks into your facility, their mind may be filled with worries and problems.  It is your duty as an eyelash artist to provide them with a place where they can relax and hopefully forget about their problems, even if it is only for a few hours.  Customer experience is essential for every appointment.  It is a great feeling to know that when they open their eyes they are more relaxed and their lashes are gorgeous!

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