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How and why you should create a Blog for your lash business

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There has never been a more advantageous moment for businesses to incorporate blogging into their marketing plan than there is now, with approximately 4 billion individuals worldwide currently connected to the internet.

Blogging not only increases the amount of traffic that is driven to your website and promotes your goods and services, but it also helps you create trust with your potential clients.

In this piece, we will discuss the various advantages of using a blog for business purposes and provide instructions on how you may get started producing helpful material that will attract visitors to your website and inbound links.

Let’s get started.

What is business blogging?

The purpose of the marketing strategy known as “business blogging” is to increase your company’s internet visibility through blogging. A marketing channel that contributes to a company’s development is a business blog, just as social media, direct mail, email marketing, and other similar methods.

Reasons Why You Should Start a Blog for Your Eyelash Salon

However, we know that only some have the time, capacity, or desire to maintain a blog. Because of this, we do everything in our power to assist you in developing a website that functions almost as well as the one you already have, enabling you to cultivate trust and bring in money.

When potential customers study your company, they first visit your salon’s website. It is an essential component of your overall marketing strategy.

It is not enough to post all of your cards on a fan page on Facebook. It can be a deterrent for many consumers, particularly those looking for a professional lash studio but can only discover a Facebook page for the business.

People will only question whether your lash studio is a legitimate business if it has a website to direct potential customers to. A few snippets of information on Instagram, a lot of content on Facebook… it all appears to be superficial.

And not to put too fine a point on it, but make sure your website is finished! We all have a soft spot in our hearts for homepages brimming with self-assurance and packed with all the pertinent information.

The advantages of running a blog for your business

After launching a new company, one of the first questions that many individuals have is whether or not blogging is worthwhile in 2023.

The quick answer is yes! And here are the reasons why.

  • It helps drive traffic to your website.

Raise your hand if you wish to see increased traffic to your website. Yeah, me too.

Consider the following ways customers could stumble into your website:

  • They could look for you by simply typing your name into their browser’s search bar, but it would only reach the audience you already have. They are aware of who you are and have you on their radar, but you need to obtain additional traffic in addition to what you are already receiving.
  • You could pay for traffic by purchasing an email list (remember to do that!), sending out mass emails to the list, and crossing your fingers that some readers would open the emails and click through to your website. But it won’t work because it’s expensive and against the law.
  • You may purchase traffic by publishing many paid advertisements, which is not against the law but is still highly pricey. And as soon as you run out of money, the customers stop coming to your website.

Therefore, how can you get more people to visit your website or subscribe to your blog? You may do this by writing blog posts and making your website more search-engine friendly.

This is how the process goes.

Consider the number of pages that are now available on your website. I guess not a whole lot. Also, give some thought to how frequently you update those pages. That doesn’t happen all that often.

Blogging, on the other hand, is an excellent activity that can be used to address both of those issues.

Creating and publishing a blog post results in one more page being indexed on your website. This means that you can appear on the search engine results page (SERP) and drive visitors to your website through organic search results.

It’s one more signal to Google and the other search engines that your website is active, and they should check in frequently to see what new content is available to surface. We’ll go into more detail about the positive effects that blogging can have on your SEO later on in this post.

  • You can repurpose blog content for social media.

Blogging for the sake of your business can also assist in getting your name out there through social media. When you write a new article, you produce material that others may share on social networks such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Pinterest. This helps expose your business to a new audience that may still need to become familiar with it.

The content you publish on your blog also helps maintain your presence on social media.

Your blog may act as a repository for content, so you won’t need to constantly ask your social media manager to create brand-new content for social media (or develop that content yourself). Instead, you can ask your social media manager to create fresh new content for social media.

By adding new content to your blog, you are expanding your social reach and attracting new internet visitors to your blog through your various social channels. This is a very mutually beneficial connection.

  • It helps convert traffic into leads.

You can now turn the traffic flowing to your website from your blog into leads because you already have some traffic coming to your website.

Each new article you publish on your blog serves as an additional page that can be indexed and a fresh opportunity to attract new readers and potential customers.

Putting this into action is simple; all you need to do is add a call-to-action that generates leads to every blog post.

Usually, this call-to-action leads to free ebooks, whitepapers, fact sheets, webinars, trials, or virtually any content asset for which someone would be ready to share their information. Whitepapers, fact sheets, and ebooks are all examples of this type of content asset.

To ensure that everyone who isn’t familiar with the way that conversions from traffic to leads operate understands what’s going on, it’s as easy as this:

  • A client arrives at the website.
  • A client notices a call to action for a free offer.
  • When visitors click the call-to-action button, they are taken to a landing page with a form to fill out with their information.
  • The client completes the form, enters their information, and receives the free offer.
  • It drives long-term results.

The best business blogs answer frequently asked questions from their readers and customers.

If you constantly produce useful material or articles for your target audience, you will be seen as an industry leader or expert in their eyes.

Can you imagine the impact of delivering an instructional blog article you produced to a puzzled consumer to clear things up? Or how many more deals could a salesperson close if their leads discovered blog content created by them?

“Establishing authority” isn’t a concrete vanity metric like traffic and leads, but it’s pretty intense. It can be used to assess sales enablement.

Because at the end of the day, this is why many people decide to start a blog.

Consider the following:

  • Imagine that prospects can get answers to daily questions by reading blog entries published by employees of your organization. If this is the case, they are far more likely to enter the sales funnel trusting what you have to say because you’ve helped them in the past — even before they were interested in purchasing anything from you. This is because they have a history of working with you and finding value in your words.
  • Clients reading your blog entries will often approach the sales funnel with a deeper understanding of your company’s products and services and your position in the market and the sector in which you operate. That allows for a much more productive sales conversation than one that would have been had between two people who were somewhat unfamiliar with one another.
  • Blogging helps with link building.

Inbound links, often known as backlinks, are one of the 200 variables the Google algorithm considers when ranking a site on its search engine result page. Many professionals and small business owners consider backlinks the third most crucial component in search engine optimization.

Although gaining inbound links is essential, 41% of SEO specialists believe link building is the most challenging aspect of search optimization.

It will be easier to obtain relevant connections if you write articles that are useful to your potential consumers and to other companies that your audience regards as industry leaders.

Other websites’ links to authoritative websites act as a vote of confidence or recommendation. It also tells Google that you’re reliable and knowledgeable in your field.

Backlinks also assist you in increasing your domain authority, which improves your general discoverability in search engines.

  • It drives long-term results.

It would be fantastic if you could go to Hawaii, go to the gym, and sleep for as many hours as you wanted while driving traffic to your website.

But there is good news! That is what blogging accomplishes, primarily via search engines.

This is what we mean:

Assume you take an hour on Sunday to compose and publish a blog post. Assume your blog post has 100 views and ten leads on Monday. On Tuesday, you receive another 50 views, and five leads as a few more people discover it on social media and some of your subscribers catch up on their email. However, after a few days, most of the buzz surrounding that post has died down, and you’ve gained 150 views and 15 leads.

It’s not over yet.

Because that post is now ranking, you can continue to get traffic from it for days, weeks, months, and years to come.

So, while you’re sleeping in, surfing in Hawaii, and lifting weights, you’re also driving traffic and leads. Your efforts yesterday could result in hundreds of thousands of views and leads in the future.

Furthermore, there are numerous inventive ways to monetize your blog content. Business concepts such as affiliate marketing imply that you may earn from blogging.

  • It helps you share company news.

Blogging allows businesses of all sizes to publish the latest news and stories about their organizations, which is another advantage it offers.

Not only may blogs be used to publish articles, but they can also be used to publish news about what a firm is doing.

Have you brought on a new person to manage content marketing? Post it on your website or blog.

Have you conducted interviews with lash experts? Put it up on your website or blog.

Do you have a compelling case study demonstrating how your products and services benefit clients? Tell your audience about it on your blog.

Sharing company updates on your blog helps humanize your brand and demonstrate to your readers that you are not solely interested in making sales all of the time.

Additional Advantages of Business Blogging

Other reasons businesses might want to create a blog exist, but they are minor and deviate from the primary benefits of blogging.

For example, we enjoy using our blog to run extended campaigns on the cheap before putting a lot of money and time into their development. We also enjoy using our blog to grasp our identity better.

And while this should not be their primary purpose, these are all substantial benefits of a business blog.

How to Begin Blogging for Business

You’ve seen the advantages of having a business blog: increased traffic, leads, authority, and a better relationship with your audience. And you’re probably eager to get started.

But how exactly?

First and foremost, take care of the setup. One error businesses make jumping right into releasing content without first investing time in technical details. These particulars may seem boring, but they are critical in optimizing your blog for search, boosting traffic, and expanding your readership.

Add the Blog to Main Navigation

The main navigation menu on your website is the road map visitors (and search engines!) use to explore your material and eventually decide if it can help them achieve the goals you claim it can. Even the best information can get lost in the shuffle without straightforward navigation. When this happens, your organic search traffic suffers as a result.

Make sure your blog is visible in your main navigation menu.

But what if you have an optimized landing page to bring users right to conversion? Will adding your blog push them in the wrong direction?

It’s a valid question, yet web visitors only average 15 seconds or less on a landing page. According to research, up to 95% of first-time visitors will never return. That ideal path to conversion? The majority of individuals never take it.

Your blog may distract visitors from the most direct conversion path, but it will also give them a cause to stay on your site and spend more time there. Blog content fosters consumer trust and, when done well, provides more opportunities for you to re-engage them in the conversion process.

Add Recent Articles to the Homepage

Add additional blog links to your homepage. Yes! This is why:

Even before your website visitors click through to read them, blog entries on your homepage generate brand authority. How? Because your blogs have killer headlines that tell people that you’re an expert, whether or not they read the entire post. They demonstrate that your brand covers timely, relevant content that is important to your clients.

And what if someone does leave your landing page to read one? That’s even better. You have great content and other methods in place on your blog to help convert them into leads.

Create Blogs Page

Now that we’ve established why your blog page should be linked to your landing page, let’s discuss how it should look.

There are numerous approaches you may take with your blog layout. It should be consistent in design and concept with the rest of your website, but you can be creative in how you place and highlight content to accentuate what’s most important to your business.

Your ideal layout will be determined by your industry and the goals you wish to achieve with your blog.

Customize blog theme

To make your blog more exciting and drive higher conversions, customize your blog theme to follow a standard article page wireframe.

A featured image and a solid call to action should be included in the wireframe design to encourage readers to take the next step in engaging with your company. The following could be the next step:

  • Subscribing to your newsletter
  • Starting a free trial
  • Sharing your content on social media
  • Downloading an ebook
  • Visiting another page on your website
  • Scheduling a consultation
  • Reading another blog article

Create Categories

The categories or themes of your blog are critical to strategic content organization. They’re vital for keeping you on track and serve as a guide for search engine algorithms trying to determine what value your content provides to its intended audience.

We’ll go into what makes for great blog categories later, but remember to create them when you’re starting your blog.

Create an RSS Newsletter

RSS is an acronym for “straightforward syndication” and signifies exactly what it says. It’s simple to syndicate your content and distribute it to other websites or tools, such as your email marketing platform.

It’s a bad idea to expect your audience to return to your website regularly to check for new content (read: it won’t happen). Creating an RSS email newsletter ensures that your followers see your current material as soon as it is published and allows you to send extra promotional messages or CTAs.

It also drives traffic to your website, keeps people interested in your company, and encourages additional social sharing.

Publish Frequently and Consistently

It is critical to publish on your blog regularly (2-4 times per week gives the best results) and consistently (so your readers know when to expect new content). Posting 11 or more times per month has been demonstrated to have the most significant impact on content performance.

Share Articles via Social Media and Email

There will need to be more than just social media platforms to result in business growth. However, they are excellent channels for disseminating material from your company blog.

If you’re not your most excellent promoter, you’re passing up significant opportunities to grow your following and improve organic traffic. Sharing your blog entries on social media and your email list raises brand awareness, broadens your reach, and encourages others to share your material.

Sharing your material on various networks has a compounding impact that can result in significant long-term consequences for your brand.

Components of a Great Blog

OK, you’ve got your blog up and running. It’s now time to consider how to make it fantastic. Here are six changes you can make to your blog to make it more structured, entertaining, and effective for you and your readers.


Let’s start with the blog categories. Why are they so significant? Specifically, they guide everyone who visits your website — your audience, search engines, and you, the publisher — to navigate your material. Here is why categories are essential to each of these groups:

  • Customers: Categories provide a clear organizational framework for your material, allowing your audience to locate the most relevant stuff rapidly.
  • Search engines: Well-organized blog content categories enable search engine algorithms to effectively explore your material, comprehend each page’s topic, and rank your content accordingly.
  • You: Blog categories provide strategic guidance. They enable you to be more deliberate in your content development, undertake content gap analysis, and avoid the frequent pitfalls of imbalanced content (too much in some categories, not enough in others) and deviating into categories that don’t correspond with your plan.

Dates and Authors

Dates and blog writers may seem like minor additions, but they might be crucial to your readers for various reasons. First, including dates demonstrates your publication frequency, which can attract subscribers.

Including dates in your blog articles reassures readers that the content is accurate when they are reading it. Dates are also important for other brands and content creators who wish to backlink to your publications.

What about the authors? Including the author of your blog (and, ideally, a photo and brief biography somewhere on the page) fosters reader confidence.

It helps to demonstrate the author’s relevant experience and credentials, and it is acceptable if they are not an established expert or leader in their industry. Simply associating a name and a face with your material increases its authenticity and demonstrates to your audience that it was created with care by a real person.

Engaging Images

Visual content is required for every business blog. According to statistics, 90% of bloggers use images in their posts, and blog posts with images receive 94% more views than those without. Additionally, people analyze visuals more rapidly and thoroughly than written content.

Including images in your blog articles breaks up the prose and makes the content easier to comprehend.

But don’t stop at images; video is currently the most popular and fastest-growing visual material. It’s expected to account for 82% of all internet traffic by next year! Infographics are the most shared material (shared 3x more than any other type).

Use your imagination with your visual material! Create your graphics and select intriguing images and videos to make your material more compelling; search for various visual content that best supports your topics.

Top Posts

There’s a reason why your most popular blog entries do so well: they resonate with your readers! Highlighting your most popular blog entries on your blog’s homepage increases reader engagement with content already generating results.

Encourage Social Sharing

There are simple methods for encouraging readers to share your material. Additionally, you can automate the process for yourself and your team so that every blog post you produce is automatically published on business and employee pages.

Use social sharing buttons on your site to make information more shareable for your readers.

Offers for Deeper Engagement

What else are you doing to engage your audience more deeply? Some brands provide complimentary consultations. Numerous businesses produce video series and webinars. Others host events in person at their sites. Your lead magnets and other high-quality digital assets are also relevant.

Whatever strategies you employ to engage your audience, you should mention them on your blog so that your readers always know what to do next.

You can promote these deals via banner advertisements, pop-ups, strategic content placement, and call-to-actions. Take advantage of the opportunity to keep your blog readership interested and guide them to the next phase of their customer journey.

The bottom line

You don’t have much time to compose blog entries and maintain your blogging strategy if you’re a business owner. Moreover, it may not be practical to hire employees in-house. So, how can you establish an outstanding company blog that produces leads and boosts sales?

What you cannot do yourself, you can outsource. In fact, by teaming with experienced content writers and strategists, you may construct an even more effective blog without going through the time-consuming and costly trial-and-error process typically required to master business blogging. Seventy percent or more of brands outsource their content generation to specialized content agencies!

You will also save money. When outsourcing, you can pay only for the required services and scale up or down as necessary. You are more flexible and constantly prepared to shift.

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