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How to improve lashing techniques for beginner lash artists?

GOLLEE Pro Eyelash Extension

Eyelash extensions are all the rage right now, with women of all ages starting to see the benefits of having longer, fuller lashes. More and more people are investing in lash extensions so they can get ready in minutes or just add some definition to their everyday makeup look. Whether you’re an eyelash beginner or a long-time lash lover, there are always new ways to get creative with your lashes. Learning how to apply and maintain eyelash extensions can be confusing, especially since each individual has different needs and preferences. As an eyelash artist beginner, the quality of your lashes and the success of your business depends on your ability to perfect your lash-laying technique.

Lashing techniques are often forgotten in makeup applications, but they can also make all the difference to your look! A well-executed lash of mascara gives more definition to your eyes and can even give you some length to your eyelashes that you might not have naturally. While it’s easy to get overwhelmed with all of the different tips out there, if you follow these steps you’ll be sure to perfect the art of lash application in no time!

Practice Makes Perfect

If you’re trying to get into eyelash extensions, we suggest honing your lash-extension craft first by working with friends and family. Not only will you gain valuable experience and establish a reputation, but you’ll also get to know your preferred products and techniques. And like any other form of art, getting better at applying lashes takes practice—so don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t work out on your first try. Keep practicing until you have mastered it.

The best way to improve your skills is by practicing every day. The more you practice, the faster and better you’ll get at applying lashes. You can practice using eyelashes you purchased from a store; there are tons of them available in varying sizes and styles—it’s easy!

Learn Your Tools

To start working in your salon, you’ll need some basic tools. The things you need are really dependent on what kind of lash work you’re doing (so we won’t go into that here). There is no one tool that is best, but there are some basics that will serve as good investments if you get into makeup artistry. These include tweezers, a magnifying mirror, and a variety of brushes. When it comes to tweezers and brushes, cheap is not always better—you want them to be durable and easy to use so they don’t frustrate you when you’re trying to do detail work. Also, make sure they have soft bristles—the last thing you want is a brush that pulls at your clients’ natural lashes while trying to apply falsies!

The most important part of lash artistry is getting started. The first thing you should know about eyelash extensions is that they aren’t applied with a single implement, but rather with a variety of tools.

Before you begin, familiarize yourself with all of your tools. If you’re new to lash extensions, it can take some time before you get a feel for how they should look when they’re finished. Learning everything about your tools before you start is crucial. You don’t want to be stuck in front of a client and realize that you forgot something important! This will also help prevent any accidents from happening while working on your client.

Take your time with each lash application

As with any art form, being meticulous is of utmost importance. Take your time with each lash application and follow the steps from beginning to end in an organized manner. The more time you take, the better your end results will be. This also means taking care of your lashes and not applying so much pressure or force that you damage them. While it may seem like getting every lash done quickly is important, rushing through can lead to mistakes and mishaps that aren’t easy (or cheap) to fix. Don’t skimp on practice—it takes lots of practice before most artists are able to speed through an appointment without making mistakes. If you want to improve your technique, make sure you’re practicing daily. If you don’t feel comfortable enough yet with certain techniques, keep practicing until they become second nature! Most importantly, remember to have fun! It’s supposed to be enjoyable and relaxing—if you find yourself dreading appointments, then something isn’t right.

Be patient, it takes time

It is important to start off slow when first learning how to do lashes. As with any new skill it takes practice before you get good at anything. The more you lash, the more comfortable you will feel and before you know it you will be an expert lash artist. Don’t give up if your first few attempts are not perfect. Practice makes perfect!

If you’re still in training as an eyelash artist, it’s a good idea not to rush too quickly. Not only does quickness compromise accuracy, but rushing also increases your chances of accidentally poking yourself with an eyelash curler or pulling out a clump of your own lashes.  The best way to ensure that your clients are getting their money’s worth is by taking things slow and steady; practice makes perfect!

Take Pictures When Done

It’s important to document your work—especially as a beginner. A picture is worth a thousand words, and even if you believe you’re doing your best work, it might not be obvious from your client’s perspective. Remember that your client may never have experienced lash extensions before; taking photos when done ensures that both you and they have visual documentation of how well you did. If you take pictures at each step in your process, these will help clients see exactly what happens during each step of their service. Taking pictures also helps prevent any mistakes or mishaps along the way. If a customer has an issue with their lashes after leaving, you can go back through your pictures and show them exactly what happened while they were getting lashes applied. This can help prevent misunderstandings between clients and technicians later on down the road. For example, maybe a technician thought she was putting enough glue on her lashes, but she wasn’t—and now she’s got a problem on her hands. Photos are proof that she used enough glue and didn’t cause any damage by accident. The key here is being proactive about documenting your work. The better documentation you have, the less room there is for confusion later on.

Try to avoid mistakes as a beginner lashes artist for clients

As an eyelash artist, you want your clients to leave feeling better than when they walked in. To do that, there are a few mistakes you’ll want to avoid. Keep these points in mind when you’re working on your client’s eye area. For example, don’t make their eyes look too small or narrow by applying lashes too close together. Also, remember not to apply lashes too far apart from each other—you don’t want them to look like spider legs! It is also important to keep in mind how much time you spend on each lash application; it is not necessary to spend 30 minutes per eye! If you find yourself spending more than 10 minutes per eye, it might be time to consider changing up your technique or using a different product altogether. Another common mistake that beginners make while learning how to apply fake lashes is making their clients look unnatural and over-the-top with false eyelashes. When applied correctly, false eyelashes can really open up someone’s eyes and give them a dramatic effect without being over the top.

Try different lash types

When you’re just starting out, practicing different lash types with different clients can help you get a feel for what works best. While you don’t need to know them all—this will come with time and experience—working with your hands-on instructor is an ideal way to learn various lash applications. Make sure your instructor has a variety of lashes available in different lengths, widths and thicknesses so that you can practice on real clients.

Before getting started with learning how to perfect your lash-applying skills, it helps if you know what types of lashes there are. You can start by learning about a few different lash types that are commonly used. For example, synthetic mink lashes are popular because they’re lightweight and easy to apply; however, they tend to be more expensive than other options. Natural mink lashes are also popular and look similar to synthetic mink lashes but tend to be less expensive and more durable. Synthetic silk or silk blend eyelashes offer some of these benefits as well—they’re lightweight and easy to apply—but their popularity has declined in recent years because many women find them too stiff or uncomfortable.

Communication with Clients

Before you get started on your client’s lashes, make sure you have good communication with them. If there are any questions about which lash style would suit their eyes better or what kind of lashes they prefer, be sure to clear that up before you start. This will give both parties a chance to set expectations and ensure a great lash experience from start to finish. Also, don’t forget to communicate with each other during your appointment! Letting your client know what you’re doing as you do it will help alleviate any anxiety and also provide valuable feedback as well. Whether it’s how much tension is being applied to their natural lashes or if they’d like more volume in certain areas, having open lines of communication throughout ensures everyone is getting exactly what they want out of their appointment. And if something isn’t quite right, it can always be fixed at no extra charge! For example, maybe one eye has a bit more volume than another and needs some extra time in between fills. You’ll never know until you ask! Remember, happy clients = returning clients = more money in your pocket. So take advantage of every opportunity to create a positive experience for yourself and your client.

Learn from Experts in the Field

If you’re just beginning eyelash extensions, consider enrolling in a training program at an accredited beauty school. These classes provide practical hands-on experience and will also give you access to instructors who are more experienced than you are. Look for schools that feature quality training materials and educators who are experts in their field.

Learning from experienced lash artists is an important part of your development as an eyelash artist. If you want to learn how to improve lashing techniques, reach out and talk to other professionals in your area or at trade shows. Most will be happy to share tips, tricks and their own personal experiences for free! You can also find many helpful videos online by searching for eyelash extension tutorials on YouTube. The more you practice, the better you’ll get! It takes dedication and hard work, but it’s worth it at the end when you look back at all that you have accomplished.

Getting comfortable with clients

The best way to get comfortable with clients is to have a few people who are willing to let you try out your new skills on them. When you first start working on someone, it can be overwhelming and difficult. There’s no harm in practicing on family and friends first! Once you feel more confident, ask some other artists who are more experienced than you if they need help doing lash fills. They may even pay you for helping them out! This is an excellent opportunity for you to practice what you know while getting paid for it. It’s also a great way to network with other artists, which will help build up your clientele once you do decide to open up shop. If you don’t have any friends or family members who want their lashes done, consider going to your local beauty school and asking if there are any students looking for extra practice time. If not, see if there is a salon nearby that offers discounted services to people interested in learning how to become eyelash artists. Many salons offer these types of deals because they don’t mind having someone come in once or twice so long as they aren’t taking away from regular paying customers.

Some skills you can learn as lashes beginner

  • Preparing the eye area and lashes before application

It is very important for eyelash artist beginners to learn how to prepare and cleanse skin before applying eyelash extensions. This will reduce irritations, aid in more durable application and help guarantee a smooth process. Before you begin any type of treatment, it is vital that you wash your hands with a moisturizing soap like Dial. Avoid using antibacterial soap as it can dry out the client’s skin which can lead to flaky skin around the client’s eyes which is also unsightly as well as uncomfortable when wearing false lashes.

Clients with oily lids or those who wear a lot of eye makeup are more susceptible to irritation during eyelash extension application. As an eyelash artist, it’s important to remove excess oils and mascara as part of your prep routine. A good lash prep removes excess oils on the eyelid and lashes themselves before you begin applying individual lashes. This step is vital if you want a lasting set that looks natural without clumps.

Using an organic makeup remover (such as coconut oil) and a cotton swab, gently cleanse your client’s eyelids and lashes. Remove any remaining mascara by gently rubbing with gentle pressure from bottom to top. Do not rub vigorously. The goal is to remove all makeup residue without irritating skin or eyes, so be patient and gentle when cleaning your client’s eye area. If you’re working on someone who has long hair on their lash line, cleanse around those areas before moving forward.

  • Applying mascara to clients

When applying mascara, it’s important to make sure that you’re using quality products, but also not being heavy-handed. It’s best not to apply directly from a tube of mascara as you risk getting product on your client’s face. Instead, have a bottle of conditioner or rubbing alcohol nearby and use that—or buy empty travel-size containers and fill them with water—to apply gently from a distance. Also, be careful when removing excess mascara from around the eyes; try wiping away residue with a tissue instead of scrubbing at the skin. Finally, always double-check to ensure that you haven’t applied mascara beyond where eyelashes stop naturally. If lashes appear clumpy or spidery, consider having your client trim their own lashes beforehand.

  • Learning eye Eyelash styles that can be applied to clients with just one tool

There are many kinds of styles that you can use with just one tool. The most important thing in creating a natural-looking eyelash look is using as few tools as possible. You do not need a lot of equipment to create beautiful and elaborate eyelashes. You can create nice, intricate designs without spending hours on each client or overloading your kit with dozens of brushes, picks, tweezers and other tools.  It is possible to get great results with very little effort.


The simplest, easiest way to improve your lash application technique is through education. There’s no such thing as too much knowledge when it comes to lashing. It will also be helpful for you to create a lashes library so that you can compare techniques and study before every single session. So it may take some time for you to commit all those techniques and tutorials to memory. Don’t get discouraged!

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