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Most cosmetologists spend most of their time indoors, working their magic in their respective salons. As a consequence, they are denying themselves the psychological and physiological benefits that being in nature may provide. Let’s dive further into the perks of having plants within your salon. Keep reading!

Why Have Plants in a Salon?

Beauty technicians may experience gains in their health, productivity, and overall satisfaction if they bring certain indoor potted plants into the salon.

This is why:

Raise the ventilation rate in the beauty salon.

Put another way, it’s common knowledge that houseplants release oxygen. Plants do the opposite of what people do, inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. Plants recycle the carbon dioxide we exhale and use it to make oxygen, which helps us think and concentrate more intently. The higher the oxygen content in the room, the higher our level of productivity.

Eliminate the odors caused by chemicals and poisons.

The fumes produced by all of the chemicals and poisons in beauty products represent a risk to the health of the beauty specialist and the customer receiving the service. To provide a healthy working environment, it is essential to ensure that a beauty salon has adequate ventilation and oxygenation.

NASA Research has found that plants can eliminate up to 87 percent of the volatile organic chemicals in the air in just one day.

Several flora, such as the golden pothos, spider, and snake plants, offer lash artists a natural filter for the dry air and even the dust that flows throughout the studio.

These plants are beneficial in preventing respiratory issues, dry coughs, and sore throats in customers and the beauty technicians that work with them.

Encourages a good attitude in all individuals

Research has shown that bringing plants into the workplace promotes happiness by lowering stress and weariness while increasing worker productivity. Providing after the needs of a living ultimately results in a satisfying sense of accomplishment.

You don’t want to deny yourself the opportunity to experience the joy of seeing a plant develop and blossom over time.

Encourages a state of calm and relaxation

Why not create an atmosphere similar to a spa to give your customers the rejuvenating break and power nap they deserve? A more relaxing atmosphere may result from vapor release from certain plants.

 Air Purifying Plants For Your Salon

If the thought of an eye-catching new salon plant wasn’t enough to pique your interest, just wait until you hear about the detoxifying benefits these indoor air-purifying plants offer! The following are the criteria that a plant needs to fulfill to be considered for inclusion in our list:

  • It’s not easy to kill.
  • Remove the Most Common Air Pollutants in the Salon.
  • Decorations in the Salon That Are Appealing to the Eye.

If you are curious as to which airborne pollutants contribute the most to a decline in the air quality in a salon, we have compiled the following chart for your convenience:

IngredientFound inFacts
Formaldehyde       Permanent Straightening Treatments, Keratin Treatments, Nail Polish, Nail Polish Hardeners       Known Human Carcinogen
AmmoniaHair Color, Perm Systems, Window Cleaners, Floor WaxesCorrosive damages cells upon breathing, swallowing, or skin contact, Respiratory Irritant
BenzeneHair Colors, Plastics, Pesticides, Detergents, Synthetic FibersKnown Human Carcinogens, especially Leukemia
Trichloroethylene     Hair Extensions Glue, Lace Wig GlueLong-term exposure causes liver, kidney, and skin damage

Best Indoor Air Purifying Plants for the Salon

Peace Lily

The stunning flowering plant known as the spathiphyllum wallisii, sometimes known as the peace lily, is loaded with symbolic import and has various applications and advantages. Because of its association with tranquility and the ease with which it can be maintained has become a popular decoration choice for homes and offices.

Peace Lilys are eye-catching and straightforward to maintain, making them an excellent choice for any size salon. They are an all-around all-star plant to put on display at the salon because they require very little care and upkeep and exquisite white spathes.

Formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, benzene, and ammonia are eliminated toxins.

Care tips: a dim or middling light with indirect sunshine – the soil should be equally moist; water once a week. However, in addition to their aesthetic value, several types of houseplants also provide additional benefits to their owners. Several useful plants may be grown in the comfort of your home, including peace lilies. The following is a quick rundown of the various applications and advantages of growing peace lily plants:

  • They are capable of purifying the air around them.
  • These plants assist in maintaining indoor humidity levels.
  • These are beneficial to one’s feng shui.
  • Compared to the care other plants require, these are rather simple.
  • They are an attractive addition to the design of your home.
  • The propagation of peace lilies is not too difficult.
  • This species can adapt to a wide range of illumination environments.
  • This may assist in limiting the number of allergies and bacteria in its environment.
  • It is not picky about the frequency of its watering.
  • There is some evidence that peace lilies can improve mental and physical health.
  • It’s possible that the plant can make the working atmosphere more productive.
  • Peace lilies may help you obtain a better night’s sleep.

Aloe vera

This regenerative succulent can be used in various ways at the salon. It purges the air of formaldehyde and benzene, and its cooling gel also comes in for treating hot tool burns when they inevitably occur.

Removes formaldehyde and benzene. 

Care Tips: Prefers bright sunshine; let the soil dry out completely between waterings.

English Ivy

These captivating plants that resemble vines have the potential to make a bold impact in any organic salon. In addition to removing benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene, it also removes mold and feces floating around in the air. Yep, feces. So, it would help if you were not frightened to install English Ivy in the restroom of your salon.

Benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, mold, and excrement are all eliminated by this process.

Care recommendations include having moist, even soil, watering once a week, and placing the plant in bright to low light.

The English ivy is a classic houseplant that remains popular due to its low maintenance requirements, sophisticated appearance, and adaptability in various settings.

Removing organic air pollutants such as benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene by this plant, which functions as a natural air filter, is one of the advantages of allowing this plant to grow in interior environments. Another advantage is the capacity of this plant to reduce air pollution.

It has been demonstrated that the Hedera helix is particularly successful at naturally filtering out indoor air pollutants. It is important to remember that it might take up a significant amount of room because it has the propensity to climb and wind around the buildings in your home. Also, it is better to avoid touching it in an excessive amount.


Azaleas are an excellent choice of flowers to bring into the salon if you want to add a splash of color to your floral arrangements. This evergreen plant can survive in a salon even though it does not receive direct sunlight and removes formaldehyde from the air. However, if you want azaleas that can make it through the winter inside, your best bet is to purchase those grown in greenhouses.

Removes: formaldehyde.

Guidelines for care: prefers moist, even soil, high humidity, and temperatures in the colder range

Weeping Fig

The Weeping Fig needs a little bit more sensitive love and attention than other plants, but the beautifully twisted trunk of this tree makes a stunning display in the living room. Removes: Benzene, formaldehyde, ammonia

Suggestions for care include exposure to bright sunshine, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings, and sensitivity to fluctuations in temperature.

Spider Plants

This plant is the most convenient solution for those who run busy salons. Spider plants thrive in bright light and tolerate high temperatures well. They also like indirect sunshine. On the other hand, they can flourish in environments ranging from partial shade to partly direct sunlight. Spider plant babies are the offshoots that grow out from the main plant. These are also sometimes referred to as siderites or plantlets. These siderites have the potential to procreate and mature into even more lovely complements to your environment. Formaldehyde is removed from the air with the help of this plant.

Bamboo Palm

The Bamboo Palm has a strikingly beautiful pattern on each palm, lending it an alluringly exotic appearance. This plant requires very little attention and care on your part. You only need to give the plant water when the soil becomes dry and cut off any dead ends to be all set.

Benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, and toluene are some of the pollutants that are eliminated.

Gerbera Daisies

Because they are available in various eye-catching hues, gerbera daisies are nearly impossible to refuse. An arrangement of these lovely things will bring a sense of vibrancy and light to any room. If you provide it with the appropriate amount of lighting, these will also persist for weeks.

Benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, and toluene are some of the pollutants that are eliminated.

Guidelines for Care: These flowers do best with feeding fertilizer once a month for the best possible maintenance.

Dracaena Marginata

Because of its unique and eye-catching appearance, this plant is guaranteed to garner attention. It receives its dark moniker from a red stem variant that looks like dragon blood and gives the plant its appearance.

Benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene are the toxins it gets rid of.

They are self-sufficient plants that only need a little sunshine and should only be watered once the soil has completely dried.

Boston Fern

The Boston Fern is an excellent choice for anyone looking for an air-cleaning plant. Put this air purifier of fluffy plants in a dark location, with indirect light and high humidity. To maintain the health of the fern, the soil should be kept damp at all times, and a thorough watering should be performed once a month. This plant requires little more care than the typical house plant, but it is unquestionably a charming addition to your area. The Boston Fern acts as a formaldehyde and xylene filter in the environment.

Final Thoughts

These air purifiers will improve the air quality in your salon and lend a charming appearance to the space. Most of the time, the salons that are booked solid tend to exude a sense of warmth and provide an atmosphere conducive to unwinding. Put some plants in your space to make it look nicer and help clean the air simultaneously.

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