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Eyelash extension glues are applied to the natural eyelashes before the application of lash extension fans. Cyanoacrylate is the primary component of the adhesive, which is a composition. This is the component included in every bottle of lash extension glue, and it is responsible for ensuring that the adhesive dries rapidly and continues to hold the eyelashes in place for a few weeks. In the absence of lash glue, it is impossible to connect lash extensions to natural lashes in a way that will allow them to remain in place for up to six weeks.

Before applying eyelash extension adhesive, every lash artist should familiarize themselves with the following information. One of the things is that you should always shake your adhesive before you start lashing. This is one of the things. Everyone has a very good understanding of why the majority of liquid goods, including your preferred lash glues, need to be shaken somewhat before use. It's pretty evident. Here's to having a basic understanding of the science that underlies why.

More important than ever

Have you ever attempted to use your lash adhesive only to find that it looks to come out cloudy, spotted, or even clear? Do you have any reason to believe that there is an issue or that it has malfunctioned?

Let us explain why you need not be concerned about it and how to proceed so your lash adhesive will continue functioning to the best of its abilities.

First, let's go back ten years to when all lash adhesives were identical. They were viscous, had a pungent odor, and dried out in approximately three to four seconds. They emitted a potent fume as well. Yuck. You didn't need to shake the adhesive of yesteryear, you didn't need to consider the circumstances of your environment, and you could store it anywhere. These are some of the positive aspects of the adhesive used in the past. Simply said, everything functioned just as advertised.

Let's fast-forward to the present day. Lash adhesives come in a wide variety of forms and might be unpredictable. The components have undergone several iterative improvements to make them odorless, thin, thinner, quick, quick, and so on. Because of all these advancements, you must maintain your adhesive properly to get the most out of your adhesive. Shake that adhesive as if you had a wasp stuck on your hand. You need to monitor the temperature, humidity, and storage, but the most crucial thing you can do is shake it like you have a wasp on your hand.

If you don't shake your glue, especially if you shake it aggressively, the components contained therein will not be mixed correctly. The adhesive will not function as intended if the components do not combine correctly. If this happens, the retention rate for your client and their lashes will be low. It's not beneficial for anyone.

If you are utilizing black glue, a good rule of thumb is to examine the adhesive's color to determine whether it has been correctly blended. If the components of your glue are not well combined, it will seem cloudy, spotted, or clear. The carbon black coloring once in the glue has now dropped to the bottom, so it appears clear or gray. This indicates that the glue will continue to function flawlessly even though it may have an "off" appearance. When you have used up all of the clear substance (Cyanoacrylate), the only color left is carbon black. This is where the trouble occurs. You will believe that you are utilizing a standard glue; nevertheless, in reality, all you will be using is carbon black coloring, meaning there will be no retention.

Consequently, why is it essential to shake your adhesives before using them?

Eyelash extension glues are a significant component of the outcome of a lash treatment; hence, if the glue isn't performing as expected, it can be quite difficult to get the desired outcomes. Shaking your glue is vital since it is crucial to having good glue to work around. Because of this, shaking your glue is very important.

You must combine it thoroughly!

The components of a bottle of lash extension glue can separate after being kept in storage for an extended amount of time. Components such as cyanoacrylate, responsible for gluing lash extensions and natural lashes, sometimes split apart in lash glue. The same is true of carbon black, which may settle to the bottom of the bottle.

Shaking the bottle to mix it up would be helpful to preserve all of the components as compact as they were in their first formulation. Keeping it that way would affect the application of the lash extensions preventing it from producing the greatest possible outcomes.

Avoid retention difficulties!

If you shake your lash glue before applying it to your extensions, you can ensure they remain in place. When the components are properly mixed before being put to use, the adhesive functions more effectively, and the extension adheres to the natural lash more securely.

You and your lash customer can use this method to avoid retention concerns, which you both want to avoid happening as much as possible. If you give your adhesive a good shake, you should be able to avoid problems with retention.

Time spent drying is of the essence!

As a lash artist, you place high importance on the efficiency of your work and are aware that different lash glues take varying amounts of time to cure. If you do not shake your lash glue before using it, the drying time can increase from one to three seconds or from two to five seconds. This is because if the cyanoacrylate is not distributed evenly with the other ingredients, then it will not do its job as the bonding agent that can make the glue dry fast, which means that each glue's drying effect will take longer than it should. Shaking your lash glue before using it can prevent this.

Simple Steps for Shaking Up the Glue!

Manual Hand Shaking

  • To begin, take off the top of the glue bottle, replace the nozzle cover with a piece of foil (or a sponge, but not cotton, wool, or natural fibers), and press down hard on it with your index finger to prevent blockages while simultaneously holding the bottle firmly with your thumb and middle finger.
  • When shaking your adhesives, you should shake them from side to side rather than from top to bottom. If you shake it up and down, the adhesive may become trapped in the nozzle and become more solid. It will mix well if you shake it from side to side, which is exactly what you need to do since you need to shake that container extremely well.
  • Vigorously shake for a time ranging from 30 to 60 seconds up to 2 minutes.
  • Before you dispense the first drop, you should remove any bubbles that may have formed during shaking by giving the bottle a light squeeze to release the air trapped inside.

The Electric Adhesive Shaker That Works in Just Ten Seconds, The 10-Second Magic Shake

It may take up to two minutes to manually shake your glue, which is a task that should be performed every 20 minutes while the glue is being applied and may be taxing because of this requirement. Thankfully, as a result of the popularity of the beauty industry, new and inventive instruments are becoming available in this market. Now that adhesive shakers are available, lash artists like yourself will have an easier and more efficient time mixing glues.

The electric adhesive shaker saves time and effort while ensuring the finest possible lash retention. It does this by quickly mixing the glue with its various components. In addition, it makes a small amount of noise, which ensures that your lash client won't be distracted. You will be able to apply lashes more quickly and efficiently with the assistance of this time-saving adhesive shaker.

  • To begin, give your shake a good shake and find the rubber attachment that will fit over the top of your bottle. (If you use an adhesive shaker, there is no need to take the cap off of your glue bottle.)
  • Bottle top inserted into rubber.
  • To thoroughly mix the glue in the bottle, turn the shaker on and press the start button.
  • After roughly ten seconds of mixing, extract the glue bottle from the shaker, and voila! At this point, you should have a decent mixture of glue.

Glue Drop

  • Change the drop of glue that you are using every 15–20 minutes because the glue has already been exposed to oxygen and humidity, which can affect how well the glue works.
  • If you want to be a successful lash artist, you need to be aware that the amount of glue drop you use is also significant. It's because you don't want to throw away any adhesives, and if you add more than what you need within 20 minutes of lashing, the glue might start to polymerize, and then it'll dry up and be useless. This is why you shouldn't do it.
  • If you observe a cloudy ring around the perimeter of the glue, you should refrain from applying it just yet and instead shake it once more.

(If you don't shake your glue well, it will appear like a murky gray liquid. If you look carefully, you might even glimpse this misty gray color just as the droplet drops on your palette, glue ring, or jade stone.)

  • When cleaning the nozzle, you should never use alcohol wipes or cotton rounds.

(The alcohol causes your glue to polymerize, which may cause the nozzle to become clogged and prevent the glue from being dispensed, and the cotton fiber may cause a fire or burn if it comes into touch with the adhesive.)

  • Do not dip extension fans on the top or bottom of the drop; make sure it is dipped in the middle portion of the glue. This will ensure that the fans have the most chance of sticking.

(The top and bottom layers begin to polymerize and will ultimately dry out first.)

Additional Care Procedures to Take for Your Adhesives

It is vital to locate the appropriate bottle of adhesives; once you have done so, you must ensure it is well-maintained. In addition to shaking your adhesives for up to two minutes, the following are some other things you should do to get the most out of your lash glues:

Your bottle of glue needs some burping.

According to what has been stated, bubbles can form in any liquid shaken. These bubbles are made up of air trapped in the container due to shaking the bottle. The release of air in the form of bubbles is known as burping. You can release the cap and give the bottle a light, slow squeeze, allowing the air bubble to escape.

After using the adhesive, you should clean the nozzle.

When you have finished using your adhesives, you should anticipate that there will be leftover glue in the nozzle. If you do not want your glue to become clogged when you use it again, clean it with aluminum foil or a cotton pad that does not contain lint.

When storing, choose a container that won't let air in.

Extending the glue's shelf life is crucial, and doing so is made easier by utilizing an airtight container. These containers will assist in maintaining as much control over the temperature and humidity as possible.

It's a well-known fact that using glue shakers can help improve your retention.

Ladies, it's time to make some waves in this industry.

Thankfully, gone are the days when you had to shake your glue by hand; not only is this an exhausting task, but it may also result in glue being stuck in the lid, and if it's not done correctly, it can even be messy. It's well-known that shaking your glue by hand is no longer acceptable; instead, you should use a glue shaker.

What exactly is it that makes a glue shaker so special? Why can't we just shake hands with each other?

It will save you time if you do that.

Handshaking only does so much and takes significantly more time than using a glue shaker. If you shake the bottle by hand, you must shake it vigorously for at least one minute to ensure that all of the glue's components have been well-mixed. This is necessary to ensure that the glue functions properly and acts as it should. Using a glue shaker, you may cut the time to shake the glue down by 45 seconds each time! That might not seem significant, but if we break it down even more...

During your session, which lasts for two hours, you must replace the glue dot approximately every 20 minutes. That's around six times, and possibly even more. Therefore, you are saving yourself approximately 4.5 minutes per set, which allows you to make the set appear more complete or snap more pictures for your Instagram account.

Perfect mixing.

It just does it better. When shaking anything, using centrifugal force produces superior outcomes in terms of mixing. It results in a considerably more thorough mix, which indicates that your glue will be excellent from the beginning to the end of the process. No longer will there be a drop in quality halfway through the bottle due to having used up all of the beneficial components and being left with nothing but some black pigment and a little stabilizer.

Helps your nozzles.

If you habitually get glue clogged up in the nozzle, the centrifugal movement that we stated will also work well for you because it will keep the glue AWAY from the nozzle! When you shake anything from its center, the contents are pushed out to the sides, and when the motion is stopped, they return to their original position in the center. Because it is so easy to shake the bottle up and down (we've ALL done it), you risk ending up with a blocked nozzle or a nozzle that shoots glue all over you when you open the lid. This is not a good look. As a result, it prevents the glue from getting into the nozzle, which is not the case when you shake the bottle by hand.

And other things?

Putting aside their practicality, these dainty tiny accessories have a chic white and gold appearance, making them a perfect fit for any spa or salon.

This shaker is virtually indestructible because of the built-in shaker attachment, and its durability is ensured. Choose the rubber attachment you want to use, insert the end of your bottle lid into it with the slot facing up (for a secure fit and easy removal, put the lid into the rubber attachment about halfway), and then attach it to the shaker.

Because it has two rubber attachments, it is compatible with most eyelash extension glues currently available; undoubtedly, every London Lash glue is a perfect fit. For LLP glues, we suggest going with the more compact option.

We recommend using speed 3 for 5-10 seconds for the initial shake of the day and then using any speed for 3-5 seconds for each subsequent mix. Three speeds ensure you always obtain the ideal mixture, no matter how many times you shake it.

The fact that this shaker has a built-in rechargeable battery (a USB charging cord is included with the shaker) means that there is significantly less waste associated with it.

If you have never owned a glue shaker, it is HIGH TIME to include this ESSENTIAL component in your lash kit. If you already own a glue shaker, it's probably time to consider upgrading to a newer one.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Lash Adhesive.

It's tempting to keep applying lash glue the same way you always have because it seems to be doing the trick, but are you getting the most out of it? Since your lash adhesive is the foundation of every lash session, it makes sense that you want to get the most out of it every time you use it. This month's article discusses three strategies for maximizing the adhesive's shelf life*, retention, and general effectiveness.

Preparing the Client:

 It is common knowledge that clean lashes improve the performance of the adhesive, but why is this the case?

Think of it like securing two pieces of paper together with tape. Do you think the tape will adhere just as well if the object is dirty as if it were clean? Unfortunately, the answer is no; the same holds for eyelash adhesive.

This is why preparation by thoroughly washing the lashes to remove any traces of makeup, grime, debris, and oil residue is so important. Eyelashes evolved to keep dirt and debris out of your eyes. You can envision the accumulation that can occur under these conditions. The extensions are less likely to stay in place if the natural lashes are clean and free of any debris or residue that could act as a barrier between the natural lash and the glue. It's common knowledge that lash adhesive works best when used correctly, and if you're not thoroughly washing the lashes, you're not getting the most out of it.

What should you use to clean and condition the lashes before applying them?

Primers and cleansers:

As was just said, lash shampoo cleans the lashes and removes any residue that could compromise their retention. It is important to check the product's ingredients before purchasing a lash cleaner. Make sure it's not an oily formula. Oil is the number one adversary of cyanoacrylate, the key ingredient in lash adhesives. Because oil is more powerful than glue, it assaults and dissolves the lash adhesive, causing the eyelash extensions to fall off dramatically. In the same way that you shouldn't use an alcohol-based cleanser on your lashes, an oil-free cleanser is also recommended.

Since primer's main purpose is to "sanitize" the natural lashes so that they are completely dry and clean before applying mascara, it often contains a small amount of alcohol. However, you should know that this could be causing issues with customer retention, which you might not even be aware of. Even a trace amount of alcohol dries up the lashes, making it harder for the extensions to adhere. This makes perfect sense once we recall how lash adhesive functions. Since cyanoacrylate requires a small amount of moisture to cure/polymerize, applying it to lashes that have been fully dried out by alcohol will prevent the adhesive from forming a firm connection. The extension will fall off more quickly if it hasn't created a good attachment with the lashes because of a lack of moisture.

After washing or priming the client's natural lashes, we recommend giving them one final rinse with distilled water before beginning the treatment. Cleansers and primers remove makeup, debris, and oil from the lashes but may still leave a trace of product behind. Rinsing with distilled water will give you peace of mind that your application and adhesive will adhere perfectly. If you want to add extensions to your natural lashes, wait until they are dry. 

Shaking the adhesive:

We're told to give our lash adhesive a good shake before each usage, and we always comply without question, but why is this necessary? Maybe you're not giving the adhesive a good shake.

Separating the individual compounds in eyelash glue is possible due to their varying densities. An unbalanced solution, in which the heavier chemicals sink to the bottom and the lighter ones rise to the surface, does not function as designed. Therefore, when applied, the lash glue may have a muted, greyish, sometimes speckled appearance. Shaking your adhesive helps ensure that the cyanoacrylate is dispersed uniformly. Your customer will have a more pleasant experience and less irritation to their eyes if the eyelash glue solution is properly blended before usage.

Did you realize that improperly shaking your lash glue might reduce its effectiveness? Shaking lash adhesive by hand can cause issues, yet doing so feels most natural (like shaking a bottle of ketchup). The adhesive can get trapped in the nozzle and solidify if you shake the bottle vigorously. Instead, we should use our preferred method—the Miskoka Beauty Glue Shaker/Fan duo—to thoroughly mix the glue. By shaking/spinning your glue for you, this tool will save you time and effort while ensuring the best possible results from your lash adhesive. We recommend getting a glue shaker if you haven't already.

Storing your adhesive:

 Your lash adhesive's performance and shelf life depend on how you keep it! As was previously discussed, both opened and unopened lash adhesives have a recommended shelf life; nevertheless, sometimes, our adhesive goes bad before we reach that point. Inadequate storage might shorten your adhesive's useful life or lead it to spoil before its time. To maximize the effectiveness of your glue and keep it usable for as long as possible, follow our storage recommendations.

  • Keep in a place that is cold, dark, and dry.
  • Stay out of the sun.
  • Put away in a sealed container.
  • Maintain a clean adhesive nozzle.
  • Close the container tightly.

Final Thoughts

Lash adhesives are various, distinct, and unstable chemicals. In some glues, the components of each bottle tend to become separated. The fume levels, consistencies, and drying times of the chemicals might all be different from one another. If you want to get the most usage out of your adhesive, proper maintenance is vital because of all the changes that have taken place. You have to keep an eye on the room's humidity and temperature before and while applying your lashes. This is extremely important.

Although it may sound simple, lash artists cannot overlook these factors. Simple instructions, like how to shake glue correctly, can significantly impact your client's retention and the quality of your lash application if you follow them.

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