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Why Is My Eyelash Extension Glue Not Sticking?

GOLLEE Pro Eyelash Extension

Eyelash extensions have become a popular beauty treatment that helps make the eyes look even more beautiful. This process involves putting fake eyelashes on top of real ones to make the eyelashes look better. But the success of this treatment depends a lot on how the glue is put on. The glue is used to attach each extension to the natural eyelash, which keeps the extensions in place.

This article will talk about how important it is to use the right glue when putting on eyelash extensions. We will also talk about why the glue might not stick to the lashes, what could be causing it not to stick well, and how to make the extensions stick better.

To keep the natural lashes from getting hurt and to get a natural look, it’s important to know how to apply the glue. Also, the extensions often fall off too soon or become loose because the glue isn’t strong enough. We’ll talk about some possible reasons for this, like humidity, oil on the lashes, and glue that isn’t very good. Lastly, we’ll give you useful information and tips on how to make eyelash extensions last longer and stick better.

Possible causes of eyelash extension glue not sticking

For eyelash extensions to last for a long time, they need to stick well to your natural lashes. Eyelash extensions can fall off early if they don’t stick well. If the glue on your eyelash extensions doesn’t stick well, it could be because your natural lashes aren’t ready, because it’s humid, because the glue isn’t thick enough, or because you didn’t apply it right.

Poorly prepared natural lashes

It is important to properly prepare the natural lashes so that the eyelash extensions stick well and last a long time. If you don’t, your lashes might not stick together well and you might lose them too soon. Three main things can make it hard to prepare natural lashes: natural lash oil residue, not cleaning them well enough, and not using a lash primer.

Residue from Lash Oil:

Natural lash oil residue is the oil that comes from the skin or is in moisturizers and makeup. When these oils touch natural lashes, they can make a barrier between the glue and the lashes. Because of this, the glue might not stick well to the natural lashes, which could cause the lashes to fall out too soon.

How to Clean Lashes:

Natural eyelashes that aren’t cleaned well enough can also make it hard for eyelash extensions to stick. If you don’t clean your natural lashes well, dirt, oil, and makeup can build up on them and make it hard for the glue to stick. Also, dirty lashes can cause irritation and infections, which can hurt both your natural lashes and your eyelash extensions.

Lash Primer:

Using a lash primer is another important step in getting your natural lashes ready for eyelash extensions. Lash primers are products that are made especially to help eyelash extensions stick better. By putting on a primer before the glue, you can get rid of any oil or dirt on your natural lashes and give the glue a better surface to stick to. If you don’t use a lash primer, the extensions might not stick well and may fall off too soon.


Humidity is one of the most important things that affect how well glue sticks and how long it takes to dry. Extreme humidity levels, whether they are too low or too high, can have a big effect on how well the glue works and may cause it to not stick well.

Low Dew Point:

Low humidity can cause the glue to dry too slowly, which makes it harder for the extensions to stick to your natural lashes. When the air is too dry, the glue may dry out too quickly, leaving not enough time for the pieces to stick together. This can cause your natural lashes to fall out sooner, and you may need to touch up the extensions more often to keep them looking good.

Wet Weather:

On the other hand, high humidity can make it take too long for the glue to dry, which makes it stick less well. When the air is full of water vapor, the glue might not dry right, making it harder for it to stick to the natural lashes. This can make the bond weaker and may cause the extensions to fall out too soon, especially when the weather is hot and humid.

It is important to know that different glues can react in different ways to changes in humidity. Some may do better in humid places, while others may be more sensitive to changes in the amount of water in the air.

Some may do better in humid places, while others may be more sensitive to changes in the amount of water in the air. So, it is important to use glue that is made to work well in the local climate and to change the way it is applied as needed.

Glue consistency

When trying to get eyelash extensions to stick well, it’s also important to think about how thick and fresh the glue is. If the glue has separated or is no longer fresh, it may not stick as well as it used to. Both of these problems can cause lashes to stick together poorly and fall out too soon.

Glue Separation:

When glue separates, the liquid part rises to the top and the thicker, gel-like part sinks to the bottom. If the glue is mixed well, its consistency may stay the same, and the strength of the bond may also stay the same. This can cause some eyelashes to fall out early while others stay on, which can look bad and be uncomfortable.

How long glue lasts:

Also, the glue’s shelf life is an important thing to think about. If glue is old or past its expiration date, it can lose its ability to stick, making it less effective and causing lashes to fall out early. This is because the glue’s chemical makeup changes over time, making it less effective at sticking the extensions to the natural lashes. Check the glue’s expiration date and throw away any glue that is past its prime.

Wrong method of carrying out the application

For eyelash extensions to stick well, the right way to put them on is important. There are a few things that lash technicians should keep in mind to make sure the glue sticks well.

Inadequate Glue Amount:

One important thing to think about is how much glue is used. If you use too little glue, the extensions might not stick well to your natural lashes, and they might not stay in place. On the other hand, if you use too much glue, your lashes might look clumpy or heavy, which can be uncomfortable and look bad.

Time for Glue to Dry:

Another thing to think about is how long it will take for the glue to dry. Before you move or touch the lashes, you must wait long enough for the glue to dry. It takes longer for the glue to dry because if it doesn’t stick well, the extensions may move around or fall off. On the other hand, if you wait too long, the glue can harden and make it harder to stick the extensions to your real lashes.

Glue Placement:

Also, the place where you put the glue is important. If you put the glue on the right spot, you can get a good bond, since the extensions might not be firmly attached to the natural lashes. It’s important to put the glue right at the base of the natural lashes, avoiding the skin and making sure each extension is lined up and spaced correctly.

To get the best bond, it’s also important to use the right kind of glue for the client’s needs. Different types of glue can take different amounts of time to dry and have different bonding strengths. It is important to choose the right glue based on the client’s natural lashes and the look they want.

Solutions to eyelash extension glue not sticking

Eyelash extensions can be a great way to make your natural beauty stand out, but sometimes the glue doesn’t stick right, which can be annoying. There are a few ways to fix this problem that will help the glue stick better to the natural eyelashes.

Natural lash preparation

Preparing your natural lashes is important for getting the best bond and a successful application of lash extensions. Important steps in this process are cleaning and priming. The following points give a more in-depth explanation of how to prepare natural lashes:

Proper Cleansing: It’s important to clean the natural lashes well before putting on lash extensions. This process helps get rid of any oil, dirt, or leftover makeup on the lashes that could make it hard for the extensions to stick. 

A cleanser that doesn’t contain oil is highly recommended because it can get rid of the natural oil residue without leaving a film of oil on the lashes. This step helps make sure that the area where the extensions will be put is clean and dry.

Lash Primer: After cleansing, lash primer can help natural lashes stick to the glue for lash extensions even better. A lash primer is a product that helps the natural lashes and the glue stick together better. 

It helps the natural lash and the glue stick together better, which makes the bond stronger and lasts longer. The primer also helps strengthen and feed the natural lashes, which helps them grow healthily.

Preparing your natural lashes is important for getting the best bond and applying lash extensions successfully. Using an oil-free lash primer to clean and prime the lashes can make the surface clean and dry, improve bonding, and help healthy lash growth. 

Control of the environment

The success of lash extension applications is affected by the environment in a big way. Controlling the environment can have a big effect on how well the eyelash extensions stick. The following points give more information about controlling the environment for lash extension applications:

Humidity Control: The level of humidity in the room can have a big effect on how well the lash extensions stick. When there is a lot of humidity, the glue can dry too quickly, making the bond weaker. 

On the other hand, low humidity can make glue take too long to dry, which weakens the bond. To get the best adhesion, it is important to control the level of humidity. Using a humidifier or dehumidifier can help keep the humidity level steady, which will help the lash extensions stick better.

Temperature Control: Temperature control is another important part of making sure that lash extensions stick well. When the temperature is too high, the glue can dry too quickly, making the bond less strong. 

Low temperatures can also make it take too long for the glue to dry, which makes the bond weak. To get the best adhesion, it is important to keep the room at the same temperature. Air conditioning or heating systems can help control the temperature and create a stable environment for lash extension applications.

Controlling the environment is important if you want your lash extensions to stick well. Keeping the humidity and temperature steady can make the bond between your natural lashes and lash extensions much stronger. 

Glue consistency

The quality and consistency of the glue used is one of the most important things that can affect how well lash extensions stick. Using glue that is fresh and stays the same can make the bond much stronger and help with a successful lash extension application. The following points explain how to use fresh and consistent glue in more detail:

Fresh Glue: To get the best bond, you must use glue that has not yet gone bad. The strength of the bond and how long the extensions last can be affected by how fresh the glue is. 

If the glue is old or past its expiration date, it can dry out, making the bond weak or causing the extensions to fall out early. For the best results, you should use glue that is new and hasn’t been opened yet.

Correct Mixing:  If you mix the glue right, it will stick more evenly. The ratio of glue to hardener can affect how well the glue sticks and how long it takes to dry. 

If you mix the glue too much or not enough, the thickness of the glue will be different, which can make the bond weak or cause the lash extensions to fall off. So, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for how to mix the glue and make sure the glue and hardener are mixed correctly.

For lash extensions to stick well, you must use glue that is fresh and stays the same. Using glue that hasn’t gone bad can make the bond stronger, and mixing the glue right can make sure it sticks the same way every time. 

Proper application technique

For lash extensions to stick well, the right way to put them on is very important. Adhesion can be improved by using the right amount of glue, giving it enough time to dry, and putting the glue in the right place. The following points explain in detail how to use the right application methods:

Right Amount of Glue: It is important to use the right amount of glue to get the best bond. If you don’t use enough glue, the lash extensions might fall off. If you use too much glue, your lashes might stick together or feel uncomfortable. So, the right bonding happens when the right amount of glue is used. 

Most of the time, a small amount of glue, about the size of a pea, is enough for each lash extension.

Correct Drying Time: If you wait until the glue is completely dry before moving, it will stick better. 

If you move or touch your eyelashes too soon after the extensions are put on, they may fall off or lose their hold. So, you have to wait until the glue is completely dry before you can touch or brush the lashes.

Accurate Glue Placement: To get the best adhesion, you must place the glue correctly. The glue should be put on the extensions, not the skin so that the skin doesn’t get irritated or hurt. You should also put the glue close to the lash line to make sure it sticks well.

Using the right application methods is important if you want your lash extensions to stick well. Using the right amount of glue, letting it dry completely, and putting the glue in the right place can improve the bonding strength and help you put on lash extensions successfully. 


In conclusion, eyelash extension glue might not stick right for several reasons, such as natural lashes that aren’t ready, humidity, the consistency of the glue, or the wrong way to apply it. 

But these problems can be fixed by making sure the natural lashes are ready, controlling the humidity, using glue with the right consistency, and applying the glue carefully and evenly. By taking care of these things, you can get the best adhesion, which means your eyelash extensions will last longer.

To make sure the extensions are put on safely and effectively, you need to know how to do it right. This means using high-quality products, getting the natural lashes ready, and putting on the extensions with care and precision. 

Proper technique can also help keep your natural lashes from getting damaged, reduce the chance of irritation or infection, and give you lashes that look and feel natural.

When using glue for eyelash extensions, it is also important to put safety and care first. This means choosing safe, high-quality products, not getting them in your eyes or on your skin, and taking all the safety precautions that are suggested. 

Also, it’s important to keep an eye on the client for any signs of irritation or allergic reactions and get medical help if needed. By putting safety and care first, you can enjoy the many benefits of eyelash extensions without putting yourself or others at risk.

To get beautiful, long-lasting results, you must use the glue for eyelash extensions correctly. By looking into possible reasons for poor adhesion and using the right techniques, you can get the best results while putting safety and care first. With these tips, anyone can have beautiful eyelash extensions that make them feel confident and beautiful.

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