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Cleaning Your Clients Lashes: Why, How, and the Best Eyelash Extension Cleanser

GOLLEE Pro Eyelash Extension

As an eyelash artist, you take pride in your clients’ gorgeous eyelashes, but have you ever thought about what happens when they get home? Like any other part of the body, lashes need to be cleaned, and one of the best ways to do so is with an eyelash extension cleanser!

Before you can clean your clients’ lashes, you’ll need to make sure that you have the right equipment on hand. You’ll want to use an eyelash extension cleanser that will be safe for your clients, and gentle enough that it won’t damage their natural eyelashes or your eyelash extensions.

As an eyelash extension artist, you’ll know that the most important part of your job is ensuring that your client’s lashes are in great condition when they leave your chair, so here’s some advice on how to clean clients’ lashes properly. Your clients will be happy knowing that they have the best possible eyelash extensions, while you’ll be happy knowing you didn’t cause any damage to their precious lashes.

As an eyelash extension artist, it’s extremely important to keep clients’ lashes squeaky clean and always looking beautiful, but it can be difficult to find the best eyelash extension cleanser, especially when you have to follow strict health and safety regulations. In this article, we’re going to look at why you need to clean clients’ eyelashes clean and some of the best eyelash extension cleansers that are legal to use in salons, as well as some alternatives you can use that are inexpensive and easy to make yourself!

Why do we need to clean clients’ lashes?

Mascara, eyeliner, and foundation can all contribute to eye infections if they are not cleaned off before an application. Even after an eyelash extension is applied, these products can build up on your client’s lashes and irritate her eyes. It is important to remove these harmful materials before applying new extensions to prevent infection.  You will also want to clean your client’s lashes between visits so that she does not get a build-up of product that causes her lash follicles to become clogged. A buildup of mascara or other products could cause her natural eyelashes to fall out as well.

Being an eyelash technician, filthy lashes are one of the most prevalent and frustrating problems. It takes a lot more time and effort to spend extra time cleaning the eyelash extensions before you even start your appointment when a client has makeup residue, glue caught in their lashes, or oily lashes when they arrive for their appointment. It makes our lives so much easier if your clients arrive at their sessions without any makeup, greasy buildup, or mascara! The more we inform our customers, the more they will be able to take care of their own lashes and learn how to do so properly. Life is so much simpler for you both if your clients know how to clean their lashes and lash extensions and take care of their natural lashes.

What happens if eyelash extensions aren’t cleaned?

Blepharitis is one of the most typical eye conditions linked to eyelash extensions. Typically, a bacterial overgrowth at the base of the eyelashes is linked to blepharitis.

These bacteria grow and develop a structure known as a biofilm over time. If your eyelashes are not properly cleaned, the biofilm quickly turns into a harmful environment, much like plaque on your teeth!

Then, these parasitic Demodex eyelash mites, which prefer to feed on biofilm, might overpopulate in between your eyelashes and result in the uncomfortable inflammation of your eyelids.

Exotoxins, which are produced by bacteria in the biofilm, exacerbate the inflammation of the oil-secreting glands in the eyelids. That produces an enlarging of the eyelid and aggravates the discomfort of dry eyes.

  • Blepharitis signs and symptoms

main blepharitis symptoms.

• Red eyes

• Watery, irritated eyes; itchy eyelids

• Itchy or burning eyes

• Flaking and crusting at the base of the eyelashes, 

• A gritty sensation in the eyes; 

The best signs that you may have blepharitis are if the flaking or crusting and the symptoms appear concentrated, especially around the lower eyelid. Check your eyes as soon as you get up in the mornings because blepharitis symptoms are frequently more obvious then.

  • Treatment for Blepharitis

The first step in treating blepharitis is to see your eye doctor identify the source of the inflammation in your eyelids. In order to determine whether you have blepharitis and which kind of treatment is best for you, your doctor will check your eyes and eyelids.

Blepharitis is typically treated by:

• Eyelid rubbing

• Office-based procedure

• Eye drops or ointments with medication.

How to clean eyelashes?

There’s not a lot of science here, but any good lash specialist can tell you that keeping eyelashes clean and healthy is one of the secrets to a long and successful career as an eyelash artist. Cleaning your client’s lashes isn’t something you do once every few weeks. It should be part of your daily routine. To keep your client’s fresh until their next fill, it’s important to properly care for them in between applications, too. In order to maintain healthy natural eyelashes there are several steps we must take during our regular lash maintenance appointments. You may think that all you need to do is wash off old glue with warm water, however, if you want beautiful-looking natural eyelashes then there is more to it than just washing away old glue.  Before beginning make sure that all tools and products used have been sterilized. You don’t want bacteria growing on or around your client’s eyes!

 1. First, remove any old adhesive from your client’s natural eyelashes by gently pulling it away from their eyelid. Use a cotton swab dipped in 99% rubbing alcohol to remove any leftover adhesive residue.

2. Next, use a q-tip dipped in a gentle cleanser (such as baby shampoo) and gently wipe down both the upper and lower eye areas removing dirt and oil from skin surface areas surrounding your client’s eyes where you applied adhesive.

3. Use a new sterile q-tip dipped in aloe vera gel to soothe and moisturize your client’s skin. This helps prevent irritation caused by harsh cleansing agents that might have gotten into your clients eyes while wiping away excess adhesive residue.

4. Once finished washing off old glue simply pat dry with a clean towel, being careful not to rub or pull on eyelashes when drying.

5. Last but not least, apply a small amount of lash conditioner to help strengthen and nourish your clients natural eyelashes. Not only does it help nourish fragile lashes, but the conditioner also protects them from environmental damage like excessive heat or cold weather conditions. If you follow these simple tips for maintaining healthy natural eyelashes you will see less breakage, longer lasting results and happier clients! Have questions about how to clean clients’ lashes?

GOLLEE Pro Eyelash Extension

Recommended products

If you’re currently working as an eyelash extension artist, there are several products you should be using on your clients to ensure they keep coming back. One of these products is a high-quality eyelash extension cleanser. This type of cleanser is specifically designed for cleaning false lashes and removing excess glue from each client’s natural lashes. Be sure to follow up with a good conditioning spray after use to prevent damage to their natural lash line and follicles. Another product that many eyelash artists like to have on hand is a set of tweezers. Tweezers can come in handy when you need to remove any stubborn extensions or if one has gotten tangled in your client’s own lashes. For best results, try to find ones that have rubber tips instead of metal tips so that you don’t accidentally pull out any hairs along with them. You may also want to consider stocking up on some lash adhesive remover pads. These pre-soaked pads will help dissolve any leftover adhesive before it dries completely. It’s important to remember not to use them too early though, as they may cause your client’s natural lashes to stick together before you’ve had a chance to clean off all of her old extensions first. And last but certainly not least, make sure you have plenty of makeup wipes on hand. Not only do they work well at getting rid of any residual glue left behind by other brands, but they’re great for keeping your client looking fresh between appointments!

When do I need to replace my cleanser?

Your eyelash extension cleanser should be replaced at least every three months, if not more. To test your cleanser, put a little water in it and see if any of it evaporates after eight hours. If your cleanser contains bleach, you will know when it is time to replace it because you can smell it when you add water. If not, check out its color—if its hue is lighter than before you last bought a new product, there’s a good chance that its potency has faded. You should also look for separation between oil and water layers in your cleanser; an oily layer floating on top indicates that bacteria has grown within. Replace your eyelash extension cleanser immediately if you notice either of these signs!

What factors determine the right lash Extension Cleanser?

There are a few important factors that you should be aware of when deciding on an eyelash extension cleanser. These include pH levels, safety, and ease of use. Here’s a quick explanation of each: pH Level – Most people know that acids can burn the skin (which is why burns are treated with them), but acids will also damage eyelash extensions. Always make sure to check what kind of pH level any lash cleansers have so you can avoid damaging your clients’ lashes or their eyes. Safety – Make sure to choose a product that has been tested by professionals. You never want to risk using products that could cause irritation or other problems for your clients. Ease of Use – This one seems like it would go without saying, but it’s very important! If you don’t like how a product works, chances are good your clients won’t either! It should be easy to apply and remove while still getting rid of all makeup residue from both natural and artificial lashes. Some products take multiple steps to complete these tasks, which makes them hard to use quickly in a salon setting. Look for a product that can cleanse lashes in just one step. How do I find these products?: It’s not always easy finding lash-cleaning products at stores near you; most beauty stores carry shampoos and other hair care items instead of specialty items like these. Try searching online through trusted retailers like Amazon or eBay to find brands available locally as well as internationally if needed.

GOLLEE Pro Eyelash Extension

Educating your clients about the importance of cleansing lashes

Helping to keep your lash extensions clean and therefore lasting longer is one of the most important parts of aftercare. Lash extensions do not stick to dirty lashes, so if you want your clients to receive the best retention possible then explaining the importance of cleansing their lashes is key! 

We understand that speaking to your clients about their dirty lashes can be an uncomfortable topic, we recommend asking if they use certain face washes or make up that are oily which could be affecting their lashes. If your client is naturally oily, or wears a lot of make up then we recommend them to be cleansing their lashes daily, other than that clients should be cleansing lashes every other day. You could then suggest oil-free makeup removers, face washes or moisturizers. Explain how oils are the number one enemy of lash glue and extensions in general and remember, the more we educate, the more your clients will understand the importance and logic behind what we are telling them. Which will, in turn, improve the retention of your client’s lashes and also start giving you more time as you will not be spending time cleaning lashes at the beginning of appointments. 

You could also take a photo of your client’s lashes before cleansing, so they can have a visual of what their lashes look like. It is hard for clients to see the dirt in their lashes if they aren’t looking up close, so by seeing what they look like under the bright LED lights of your lash studio could give them an instant shock! Many people just don’t think their lashes are as dirty as they are. Remember to do this respectfully and quietly as I’m sure they wouldn’t want the whole salon to know what condition their lashes are in.

GOLLEE Pro Eyelash Extension

If you are using eyelash extension glue what is the best way to remove it?

Always have a lash extension cleanser handy to remove residual glue from your client’s lashes. If you do not have access to an eyelash extension cleaner, water and baby oil should also suffice in removing glue from a client’s eyes. To avoid future mishaps, be sure to clean off any excess glue with a cotton swab before it dries. Be sure that all of your tools are properly sanitized after each use. This includes your tweezers, scissors, and other implements. All of these items can be cleaned using isopropyl alcohol or bleach solution; just make sure they are completely dry before storing them away. You may also want to invest in disposable mascara wands.

Storing your eyelash extension cleaning products

There are a lot of different products for removing build-up from eyelashes, and most of them will work fine. But if you’re going to spend money on these products, it’s best to store them in an airtight container with a desiccant (this is especially true for lash adhesives). Leaving these cleaners out where they can be exposed to moisture will cause them to lose their efficacy over time. No one likes a dirty tool kit!

Before you purchase products for your eyelash extension business, you will want to make sure that you store them properly. If you don’t store them correctly, they will lose their effectiveness and might even become harmful to your clients’ eyes. It is important that you store your eyelash extension products in a cool, dry place. In addition to storage, it is also important that you keep track of all of your eyelash extension products so that there are no issues with incorrect use or expiration dates being missed. Your customers can be harmed by using expired products, which is why keeping track of these items is very important.

Make sure to store your cleaning supplies in a secure place, away from any direct sunlight or moisture. Exposure to either of these elements can negatively impact their effectiveness. Also, clean and dry your tools after each use so they’re ready to go when you need them. And remember, if you don’t have time to thoroughly clean your tools with soap and water between clients, invest in a good-quality eyelash extension cleaner that contains a cleansing agent for spot-cleaning.


As a professional eyelash extension artist, you’ll want to provide your clients with clean eyelashes that last—and there are a number of ways to achieve this. There are several products on the market designed to clean false lashes, including lashes made from real or synthetic hair, mink lashes, and synthetic fibers. Depending on what your salon provides in terms of cleaning tools and chemicals, you can purchase pre-cleaning agents that help remove the old glue.

Picking an eyelash extension cleanser is important, but it’s not easy. You have to look for effectiveness, safety, gentleness and value for your money. While cheap products may be tempting, you really do get what you pay for in terms of quality and efficiency. Before choosing an eyelash extension cleanser, review several product reviews from experts and amateurs alike.

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