Your customers want their lashes to be thicker, longer, and more luscious, and they also want to get rid of their mascara tubes, right? You know that getting lash extensions is a straightforward yet effective beauty treatment that can make your eyes stand out from the crowd. However, concerns and inquiries may appear for anyone, from first-time customers to those with extensive experience with lash extensions.
How can one apply lash extensions in the most effective and risk-free manner? Which products should be utilized to make the results beautiful and effective? However, we also want to be educated and informed so our clients can relax and enjoy their experience while trusting us to deliver perfect results. Like you, we are committed to safety and comfort while working our magic. However, unlike you, we also want to be educated and informed.
This week, we will provide you with information regarding the Adhesive, an essential component of the lash extension process.
There is a good chance that you are familiar with cyanoacrylate. This component of lash glue is most well-known for its stickiness and is the active ingredient in all lash adhesives. You can thank cyanoacrylate for keeping extensions securely adhered and comfortable to the natural lash safely and effectively.
• After each use, the adhesive applicator must be thoroughly cleaned. Before using the nozzle on any customer, ensure it is clean and free of debris or residue.
• You must not get any cotton or wool near the cyanoacrylate. When this specific component is brought into contact with cotton, a powerful chemical reaction takes place, producing heat. In some instances, this can result in severe irritation and burns.
• When cleaning your client's eyelashes, never use cotton swabs or pads made of cotton. There is a possibility that small cotton fibers will be left behind, and if these fibers come into contact with your Adhesive, heat will be generated very close to the eye of your customer. Make use of micro brushes or lip gloss wands in their place.
A Guide to the Adhesives (Glue) Used for Eyelash Extensions
Getting the most use out of your eyelash extension adhesives requires knowledge of the underlying science. The first piece of advice is to ensure that you never refer to your Adhesive as glue but rather as an adhesive. These items are adhesives of a medical grade and should not be confused with glue in any way. Therefore, it is essential to utilize the appropriate terminology when speaking with customers and other professionals. The dish is as follows:
For you to work with eyelash adhesives (eyelash glue) professionally and get the best possible results, the staff here at Gollee will walk you through the science behind eyelash adhesives and advise you on how to use them correctly and properly care for them.
What exactly does it consist of?
The substance known as cyanoacrylate is the active component in the Adhesive used for applying eyelash extensions. Cyanoacrylate is an acrylic resin that produces adhesive properties when it comes into contact with water and undergoes a rapid reaction. This chemical can be found in various products, including those utilized in medical and industrial settings and homes. There are many kinds of cyanoacrylates, and some low grades are used in products like superglue. On the other hand, high-end medical grades were developed for use in the body and can be very safe to employ.
Ensuring that the eyelash extension adhesive you use has the appropriate kind and quality of cyanoacrylate is essential. This ensures that your lash extensions will last for a long time, will be healthy for the lash they are attached to, and that allergic reactions will not occur. How are you able to determine the specific type of cyanoacrylate that is present in your Adhesive? You can look at the SDS sheet provided by the manufacturer. It needs to be brought to light. In addition, you can tell by looking at the thickness and color of the Adhesive; the lower the quality, the darker and thicker the Adhesive is. Companies often include a significant amount of carbon in highly toxic industrial-grade adhesives to neutralize the fumes. This produces an extremely dense and dark adhesive substance.
How do I use it, and where should I store it?
When applying eyelash extensions, the most effective way to use your eyelash extension adhesive (glue) is to pour a small amount onto a flat surface. This is the best way to use your eyelash extension adhesive (glue). When you do this, the liquid at the puddle's edge will begin to polymerize and harden first; consequently, the best way to ensure an even application is to dip the eyelash into the middle of the puddle.
Cotton applicators, such as cotton balls or swabs, should be avoided at all costs. This is very important. Cyanoacrylate has a rapid reaction with cotton, which releases extreme heat that can lead to burns. Cotton eye pads and tape should not be used near the application area. Check that the person you're helping is not wearing a cotton mask.
Keep the eyelash glue in an airtight container placed inside a cool cabinet. To keep the temperature in this cupboard consistent and cool, you should make sure that it is located somewhere that is not near any heating or cooling systems. Following these steps will prevent the Adhesive from drying out, but to ensure that it remains fresh, it is recommended to be replaced every three months. Always store your bottle upright to prevent the cap from getting stuck closed.
Instructions on How to Apply Your Lash Adhesive Properly and Effectively.
Not only is it important to use the best lash adhesive, but how you apply it will also significantly impact the results you achieve. It is important to get every detail right, from the amount of lash adhesive to how it is stored. Since we know that lash retention is the most important factor in running a prosperous lash business, we must do everything in our power to achieve the longest retention time possible. Here, you'll learn about the various types of available lash extensions.
Here are some pointers from our team that will assist you in correctly applying your lash adhesive so that you can achieve the maximum amount of time that your lashes will remain in place.
Employ It in Tiny Doses
When you go to apply for your lash extensions, it is always a good idea, to begin with a small amount of Adhesive. This will ensure that the application goes smoothly. To begin, drizzle just a little bit of the liquid onto a level surface. If the drop no longer has its raised dome, replace it with a new drop of fresh water. When you load the lash with Adhesive, this will ensure that the Adhesive is applied to the entirety of your lash.
Engage the Adhesive's Functions
To activate your Adhesive, wiggle your classic lash back and forth while it is in the Adhesive. Turn your hand so that only the base of the fan is going straight up and down into the Adhesive to activate it when you are doing volume work.
Avoid Cotton
There is a substance known as cyanoacrylate that can be found in lash adhesive. Cotton and cyanoacrylate do not combine well because the former causes the latter to react quickly and emit exothermic heat, both of which are potentially very harmful if they come into contact with the skin. Cotton applicators and wipes, such as cotton swabs, cotton balls, and tissues, should be avoided at all costs to prevent this issue.
Ensure Proper Storage
Having your lash adhesive stored correctly is one of the most important things you can do to keep it from going stale. Keep your Adhesive in the upright position and store it in a cabinet that is cool and dark. You do not want it to get below freezing or above 85° F. Avoid exposing your bottle to bright sunlight at all costs. If you are not going to use your Adhesive for a significant amount of time, you can keep it in the refrigerator; however, before you start working with it, you need to bring it to room temperature for two hours. If you do this, it will be easier to work with. When the Adhesive is at a lower temperature, it will appear to have a greater thickness. After the manufacturing date, unopened bottles of Adhesive have a shelf life of 12 months, but once the bottle has been opened, it only has a shelf life of 3 months.
Final Thoughts
I'm hoping you found this information about Adhesive, a key part of the lash extension process, to be useful.
You have probably heard of cyanoacrylate before. The active ingredient in all lash adhesives, this substance is best known for its stickiness. Cyanoacrylate is responsible for the safe and effective adhesion of extensions to natural lashes.