Eyelash extensions, for many people, become not only a literal extension of their lashes but also an extension of who they are as individuals. Having a luxurious set of lashes applied to the eyes might give the impression that they are always strutting down their private runway. Everywhere we go, people are getting lash extensions done.
It is abundantly clear that the human eye can take on various forms, as seen by simply looking around a room or scrolling through Instagram. Because of this, the procedure of applying lash extensions is not a uniform one that works for everyone.
Asian eye forms necessitate a particular lash extension strategy. It is crucial to know how to properly apply for Asian eyelash extensions to get a look that is attractive, brightens the eyes, and brings out the best in the natural features.
This guide covers all you need to know, from the different varieties of eyelids to the correct application procedures. We hope you are prepared because we are about to answer the most critical question about eyelash extensions for Asian eyes.
This is the reality for many people of Asian descent, including Asian Americans and Asians. We are here to reassure you and your customers that eyelash extensions are suitable for anybody and everyone. As long as you have the skills and equipment necessary to pull it off, you can make them work for any eye shape.
What Exactly Does It Mean to Have "Asian Eyes?"
It is vitally essential, first and foremost, to recognize that not all people of Asian descent have the same eyes.
As of 2019, six origin groups make up 85% of all Asian Americans in the United States. These origin groups include Chinese, Indian, Filipino, Vietnamese, and Korean. Japanese people make up the remaining 15%. Even though these are the ethnic groups that make up the majority of Asian Americans in the United States, the continent of Asia is so large that it also includes a diverse range of other peoples, including Hmong, Thai, Cambodian, Laotian, Pakistani, and South/East Asians.
The appearance of people of these different Asian ethnicities varies, including the shape and size of their eyes.
As a person who works in the lash industry, you need to understand that there are a significant number of distinct ethnic groups and that members of these communities do not all appear identical. This sensitivity to different cultural norms will take your forward-thinking company a very long way.
Comprehending the cultural baggage that comes with the archetypal Asian eye form is just as vital, if not more so, than knowing the eye shape itself. The state of their eyes is a topic that can be touchy for many people of Asian descent, particularly those who live outside of Asia or in predominately white nations.
We want to highlight the many eye shapes and cultures out there! In this post, you will learn about the different types and forms of Asian eyes and the eyelash extensions that work best with those eyes.
Everyone Can Benefit from Getting Eyelash Extensions!
Let's get one thing out of the way right away: eyelashes are for everyone, regardless of age, ethnicity, race, gender, or sexual orientation. Anyone can look amazing with a furious set of lash extensions; most people just lack the confidence to give it a shot. Here is where you come in to play.
If you can provide the information to your customers in a way that gives confidence in them that they will get the outcomes they seek, you will have created a customer that will remain loyal to your company for the coming years.
Many Asian customers may be concerned about getting lash extensions because they've had negative experiences with other lash technicians who didn't do a good job. You can demonstrate to them that lash extensions WILL be beneficial to them.
Asian Eyes: Hooded or Monolid
The fact that Asian people typically have eyelids that cover their eyelashes is the most distinguishing feature of the monolid eyelid form. If you don't understand the anatomy of "Asian eyes," it can be challenging to construct a complete set of lash extensions for these particular types of eyes.
When applying eyelash extensions to Asian eyes, hooded eyelids are a common obstacle that lash artists must overcome. Because the lids of many Asian eyes, but not all, are hooded, it is necessary to adopt a different method when adding eyelashes to an Asian look.
Find out the differences between hooded eyes, monolids, and double lids in this topic!
What is a monolid?
A monolid is a characteristic that is frequently seen in Asian eye forms. In contrast to eyes that have a fold running along the lid, eyes that just have one lid leave a smooth area above the eye.
An epicanthic fold, more commonly known as a monolid, is a skin fold on the upper eyelid that creates the illusion that there is no discernible crease line in the region directly behind the eyebrows. It is common for individuals to mean "monolid" when they talk about having hooded eyelids.
When a client opens their eyes, the absence of a crease makes it appear as though the entire eyelid has disappeared under the crease. This indicates that the application of the lashes in a strategic manner is essential.
When it comes to applying makeup, or in our case, when it comes to putting lash extensions, this particular form of the eye can provide some difficulties.
Let's look at one more form of the eyelid you might come across before we get into the proper approach, shall we?
What is a hooded eye?
A customer might not have a monolid in certain circumstances. Instead, they can have their eyes covered with a hood. There is a distinction to be made between hooded eyes and monolids, despite the similarities between the two. Eyes with a fold of skin that covers the eyelid are called hooded eyes.
In some people's eyes, this portion of the skin can completely cover the lid. In other instances, the fold might just cover a small portion of the eyelid. In either case, this additional fold of skin has the potential to give the impression that the eye shape is smaller than it is. When they have hooded eyes, applying eyelash extensions might help to rectify this issue and open the eyes.
What are double eyelids?
Although having double eyelids may sound like an uncommon ailment, this is not the case in real life. Even though persons of Asian heritage are more likely to have monolids than double eyelids, double eyelids are more frequent than you might expect. About half of the women who live in East and Southeast Asian countries are born without an eyelid crease, while the other half are born with double eyelids.
The double eyelid is frequently held up as a beauty standard; however, lash artists can shift this perspective by presenting beautifully appealing solutions to individuals with only one eyelid.
Eye Shapes Most Common in Asia
More complexity is involved than the eyes having a single or double lid. As is common knowledge, different eye shapes call for distinct techniques and other locations of the lashes. The following is a list of some of the most common eye shapes seen in Asian eyes, along with the type of lash extensions that appear best when applied to those eyes.
Almond eye
The almond eye shape is one of the most frequent eye shapes and is the shape many Asian customers like. Many Asian customers who do not naturally have almond-shaped eyes have expressed an interest in having their eyelashes styled in a way that will make them appear more in line with the appearance of almond-shaped eyes. The most flattering appearance is achieved with natural lash extensions with a length maintained uniformly along the eyelids. To get an enhanced presence, the primary focus should be on improving the length and volume of the hair.
Phoenix Eye
The eye has the shape of a phoenix, a medium lid crease, and a modest outward turn at the outer corner. Because of their somewhat enlarged shape, Phoenix eyes complement both natural and doll eye extensions quite nicely. This particular eye shape can accommodate a full-impact lash.
Round eyes
Eyes that are round tend to be more circular in appearance and the whites of the eyes are seen to a greater extent. These eyes give the sense that they are more awake since they appear larger than average. Be wary of adding excessive drama, as people with round eyes may wind up looking astonished as a result. If clients have round eyes, you should consider putting in cat-eye extensions.
Triangular Eyes
Eyes with the shape of a triangle are known as triangular eyes, most commonly observed in elderly adults whose outer eyelids have begun to sag. Contrary to what you think, you shouldn't choose a particularly dramatic eyelash style. This will bring the triangle shape into much greater relief. Instead, you should consider putting natural lash extensions and working with the contour of their eyes as they are.
Downturned Eyes
Eyes with a modest downward tilt at the outer corners characterize this eye form. Choose an extension that is longer and places more attention on the outer corners of the eye when working with this type of eye. The appearance of outer corners of the eye will be brightened and lifted as a result of this.
Upturned Eyes
Eyes with an upturned appearance are the opposite of eyes with a downturned appearance; they have outer corners inclined upward. The most effective technique to draw attention to this eye type is to emphasize the area in the centre of the eyes by adding volume to that region. This will not provide lift to the outer corners of the eye, but rather it will open up the eye.
Long and Narrow Monolids
The longest and narrowest monolids may be the style's most challenging eye shape. Long and slender monolids give the appearance of having tiny eyes. A wrinkle in the eyelid is not something that can be seen. An open eye set of extensions can help the eye appear larger than it is. Give the centre of the eye more volume and length while keeping the sides of the eye proportionately tapered.
Asian Hooded Eyes with Eyelashes
Eyes that have their eyelids folded will expose the length of the lash extensions you want, whereas those with monolids will hide the upper section of all eyelashes. Therefore, you should utilize extensions that are 0.5mm longer for people who have monolids. Also, remember that the inner corner of the lash line and the centre part of the eyelashes will be hidden by heavy eyelids, so select your design carefully, keeping this in mind.
Eyelash extension styles appropriate for Asian hooded eyelids
- Natural design
Because it closely matches how our natural eyelashes develop, natural design is the most popular style of eyelash extensions. This is one reason why it is so popular. However, if you use the natural design on customers with monolids, their eyelids would probably cover the inner and middle parts of the set, resulting in only a few lashes sticking out from the outside corner of the eye. This is because the natural design is less dense than the monolid design.
Therefore, the "Doll eye/ Open eye" design is the most recommended for clients with monolids.
Eyes that have a natural design that consists of a crease or two folds in the eyelid:
Natural design on hooded or monolid eyes: The inner and centre portions of the extensions will be masked by the hooded eyelids when they are complete.
- Doll Eye/Open Eye Shape Design
Even with the doll eye or open eye design, you may discover that if you apply lash extensions that are too short, such as 7-8mm, the eyelids can cover them, and as a result, the lash extensions will disappear behind the eyelids. This can happen even if you use the open-eye or doll-eye design.
When working with clients with monolids, choose longer lashes than you usually use for the inner corners.
Asian Eyelash Extensions: Downturned Eyelashes
Because monolid patients have thicker eyelids, the roots of their natural eyelashes are more likely to be compressed, causing most of their natural eyelashes to develop in a downward direction. It is very crucial to select the appropriate curls for the eyelashes that are angled downward.
Eyelash extensions that look best on monolid eyes
- J Curl
A J curl is nearly straight but has a very subtle curve at the end. If you apply straight curls like a J curl on natural lashes with a downward slant, you will end up covering her eyes, giving the appearance that her eyes are smaller.
- C & D Curl
When styling the lashes for Asian eyes, go for a more powerful curl, such as a C- or D-curl.
- L Curl & L Plus Curl
Monolids can be curled with L and L Plus curls, producing a trendy and lovely set when used on them.
Mongoloid fold (epicanthic fold)
What exactly is an epicanthic fold, as well as a mongoloid fold? An epicanthic fold is a skin fold found on the upper eyelid and covers the inner corner of the eye.
A significant percentage of people with monolid eyes will also have mongoloid folds. If a customer has mongoloid folds, it will be more difficult for you to work on the lashes in their inner corner (because the lashes hide into the fold).
In this instance, the mongoloid fold needs to be lifted using a method that involves taping to access the inner corner of the eye.
To properly raise the fold, rather than tugging the inner corner vertically with the tape, pull it along the lash line. This will achieve the desired result. Work carefully along the lash line and avoid pulling on the inner corner lid from too far away, as this could cause your client's eye to become exposed due to the tape.
If your customer is sensitive to tape, use it only while working on the inside corner of the package, and then remove it as soon as you are through.
Compared to other races, Asian natural lashes are noticeably sparser, shorter, and less dense than those of different races and cultures, which typically results in a lower degree of extension retention.
Additionally, if the client has monolids, the thicker skin on her eyelids will touch the lash extensions more often, which might influence the retention of the lash extensions. Additionally, the natural oil secreted from the skin can affect the retention of the lash extensions. If they want their lash extensions to last longer, be sure to prepare and prime your client's natural lashes at the beginning of the appointment with BL Lash Primer and Lash Shampoo.
It is essential for you, as a professional lash artist, to have a conversation with your client regarding the aftercare protocols that should be followed. Here are some helpful hints you can share with your customer or client.
- Makeup products with the least amount of oil in them should be used.
- After applying makeup, dusting the eyelids with powder will absorb any remaining oil.
- Make sure your lashes are protected from the oil by using a lash-coating sealant to apply to them.
Best Lash Extensions for Hooded Eyes
Lashes with an M curl and many lifts are ideal for use with hooded eyes because of their dramatic effect. The base and curl of these lashes make them appear to shoot out from under the lid, which lifts the lash line and contributes to the overall impression of eyes that are bright and refreshed.
When it comes to monolids, a greater lift is always preferable. Most Asian people have exceptionally straight hair, and this trait also tends to be present in their eyelashes. Many persons of Asian descent, particularly those with exceptionally straight hair, have eyelashes that angle somewhat downward.
When applying the lashes, it's a good idea to position the ones with the longest lengths on the middle to outer corners of the eye. Hooded eyes can be made more dramatic and elongated by wearing eyelashes that fan out to the corners of the eye rather than growing straight up in the middle of the eye.
When Applying Lash Extensions to Asian Eyes, Here Are Some Dos and Don'ts
While no two customers are the same, there are some characteristics of monolids that lash specialists need to be aware of to do their jobs properly. Read on, and you'll find out what to do and what not to do.
- Enhance Retention
Unlike other eyelid forms, monolids do not have a skin fold separating the eye from the lid. Therefore the transfer of natural oils from the eye to the lash extensions happens much more quickly with monolids.
Be sure that clients prime the lashes before applying mascara so that their lashes will stay in place for a longer time. After that, use a nano mister to create a seal at the end. Always make sure to educate the customer on the correct aftercare practices so that they can continue to enjoy their thick lashes for a longer amount of time.
- Don’t Tape Far from The Lash Line
A lash artist's best friend in the studio is their lash tape. However, when it comes to applying for monolid eyelash extensions, there is a correct and incorrect approaches to utilize it. Eyes with monolids or hooded lids may have inner corners that are difficult to access.
If the eyelash extension tape is placed too far away from the natural lash line, the eye will not be adequately lifted and opened. Instead, position the tape so that it is close to the lash line so that it is simpler to work on the inner lashes. You'll be grateful to us in the future.
- Do Choose Longer Eyelashes
When choosing the length of the lashes, remember that the monolid will cover the uppermost section. You don't want the customer to open her eyes and find that her lashes are too short, do you? You should choose longer lashes that will show up because you are aware that a significant portion of the lash won't be seen while the eyes are open. It is important to keep in mind that you should avoid grabbing lashes that are more than 2–3 millimetres longer than the client's natural lash.
- Avoid a J-Curl at All Costs
Oh, the familiar J curl. It is stunning in its natural state. But what do you think? This particular curl is not included in any top-rated eyelash extensions for Asian eyes. Lashes on Asian eyes are often straighter and point in a downward direction. When opening up monolid eyes, a J curl is not the most effective technique when trying to open up eyes.
This is because a J curl is straight at its foundation and only has a small curl at its tip. The straight foundation will end up seeming too strong for Asian eye shapes, giving the impression that the eyes are smaller. This is the exact opposite of what we want to achieve.
The Ideal Eyelash Extensions for Asian Eyes
The curl of the lashes
We have finally arrived at the lashing part, where you choose the curls. We are aware that the J curl cannot be performed. However, what choices are available? The L curl is a terrific choice for Asian eyelash extensions because it can open up lashes that normally point downward. This makes the L curl a great alternative for Asian eyelash extensions. The classic L-curl lashes that come in various lengths so that you can create individualized styles are our absolute favourites. One more possibility is a D curl, which is great for clients with a more downturned eye shape.
The Position of the Lash
The optimal style for Asian eyelash extensions is one that we like to refer to as "The Reversed." An emphasis area that is positioned quite near the inner corner can be found in the Reverse style. Although it may seem strange, the Reverse is an excellent choice for correcting monolids and eyes that are positioned too widely apart. You can create a stunning effect by opening up the eye's lid and bringing the emphasis closer to the inner area of the eye.
All in All
It is crucial when assisting Asian customers in acquiring eyelashes they seek to consider not just the aesthetics of the lashes but also the cultural connotations associated with their lashes. All eyelash treatments don't need to be guided by beauty standards, and we should be careful not to suggest they are.
They need to know that you are here to help while honouring their feelings and desires. Many of your Asian clients may have been working through their own personal and deeply rooted feelings about their eyes and lashes for their entire lives. They need to know that you are here to help them, and you must do so. Always keep in mind to be courteous when conducting consultations with clients, and pay attention to what they have to say to comprehend the appearance that they are trying to achieve.
In the end, you will be able to make lash dreams come true if you understand how to service your clients in the best possible way (regardless of the race of your clients). After all, men and women of all ages, races, and ethnicities should be allowed to feel secure and at ease within their bodies, regardless of factors such as race or age.