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Eyelash Extensions at Home-Kenia Oliden

GOLLEE Pro Eyelash Extension

Eyelash extensions are the solution to look longer and more voluminous eyelashes immediately, achieve a look of impact no longer only get it in beauty salons, now you have it at your fingertips, whether you are a professional or want to learn how to do it yourself at home.

Gollee, a specialized manufacturer in the eyelash extensions industry, has developed production technologies to achieve eyelashes with greater density and maintain the consistency of their curls.

Gollee not only supplies distributors and beauty salons but also has eyelash extensions for those of us who are not professionals and want to look spectacular with longer and fuller eyelashes. They have their line of extensions for professionals and to do it ourselves from the comfort of our home.

If you want to know how to achieve a spectacular look yourself without leaving home, read on to learn everything you need to know.

The best kit for enviable eyelashes.

When it comes to doing eyelash extensions at home, it is essential to have all the necessary tools and to know which are the best to do it yourself with the results of a professional. The Gollee brand has everything you need.

DIY Eyelash Extensions, is a new technology that has the Gollee brand, being a graft of improved eyelashes, which allows you to achieve a placement according to your needs and desires. These eyelashes are made of high-quality synthetic fiber, with great softness, and are very comfortable for our eyes.

The eyelash extensions vary in length from 8,10,12,14 mm and more, with different shapes in the distribution of the eyelash extension fans that allow you to get from a more natural look to a more dramatic look.

The glue is a fundamental key to the successful placement of eyelash extensions, depending on your eye type you can use the eyelash adhesive or glue for sensitive eyes.

The Lash adhesive is a chemical for eyelashes house of lashes specially formulated for long-lasting and secure eyelash extensions, in its presentation contains a brush for easy and precise application, it is latex free and waterproof, its use is ideal for people allergic to latex and contact lens wearers.

The eyelash adhesive for sensitive eyes is formulated to avoid irritation of the eyes of people who are very sensitive, but also has an ultra-adherent power and achieves a long duration of eyelash extensions.

When it comes to applying for eyelash extensions, tweezers are a key factor as they allow you to do the job more comfortably and precisely. The blue Volume Eyelash Tweezer is a tweezer with a 90° fine tip that provides great precision and comfort thanks to its surface for gripping multiple eyelashes. This tweezer is frequently used for volume, mega volume, and fan lashes.

Specially designed for precision, uniformity, and workability, it is very lightweight and balanced, with a tapered tip and an inclination that helps reduce hand fatigue.

After knowing the best eyelash extension kit, we can start with the application process.

Eyelash extensions application process.

  1. To begin the process, you must have the area clean and free of grease or any product in the eyes and face.
  2. Brush your lashes and be able to separate them from each other to better observe the baseline of your lashes.
  3. It is of utmost importance to evaluate the condition of your natural eyelashes to choose the extensions that can best fit your eyes, when the eyelashes are long and healthy, they can support more weight which allows you to place longer eyelashes.
  4. To achieve harmonious eyelashes, in the external part of the eyelashes place the extensions of greater length, in the central part a medium length, and in the internal part some extensions of better length. In my case, I have used 3 extensions of 16mm, 2 of 14mm, and 1 of 12mm, this combination can vary according to your needs and the size of your eyes.
  5. The glue should be placed on a clean surface, start with little glue, and if necessary, then add more.
  6. With the tweezers take the eyelash and sink the base into the glue so that the base of the extension is covered, you should place little glue so that no clumps are formed in the baseline of your eyelashes.
  7. Lift the mobile eyelid a little with the help of your other hand and place the eyelash extension under your natural eyelashes, you must start from the outside, this way it will be a very easy placement. You must repeat this step until you place all the eyelash extensions from the external part to the internal part.
  8. It is important to place each eyelash extension next to the other without leaving spaces in between.
  9. After finishing the placement of the eyelash extensions on the first eye, you must perform the same process on the other eye using the same combination of eyelash lengths to achieve symmetry in your two eyes.

After finishing with the placement of the eyelash extensions of both eyes you can observe the result, in my case the glue I have used is the adhesive for sensitive eyes with a super resistant result, this glue if you feel when in contact with the natural eyelashes, but it is not irritating to the eyes.

Aftercare after eyelash extensions placement.

To get the most out of the work you have done, it is of utmost importance to take the utmost care during the first 24 hours.

  1. Do not allow the eyelashes to get wet so that the glue can dry completely.
  2. Avoid steam in hot showers or saunas.
  3. Do not rub your eyes excessively.
  4. Do not use mascara or eyelash curlers.

After the first 24 hours, you should continue taking care of your eyelashes for a longer duration.

  1. Avoid using oil-based cleansers, these products can dissolve the bonding of the eyelashes.
  2. To remove make-up from the eye area, it is recommended to use soft cotton sticks.
  3. It is recommended to avoid using waterproof mascaras, the ingredients contained in these mascaras can also dissolve the bonding of the eyelashes.

What precautions should be taken into account?

  • Before starting with the placement of eyelash extensions, it is advisable to perform an allergy test, this is because many are very sensitive to the components of the glue.
  • The tweezers should be used with great precision and care to avoid any movement that could hurt your eyelids.
  • The glue should never touch the skin or your eyes.

Duration of eyelash extensions.

With the use of the eyelash glue for sensitive eyes, the application can last from 3 to 10 days, this can vary depending on the care you give to the extensions, with good care the longer the extensions will last.

Do not worry if your extensions last a few days, with practice you will improve the application of the eyelashes and they will last longer and longer.

Care for healthy and strong eyelashes.

For eyelash extensions to last longer, it is essential to have healthy and strong natural eyelashes, read on to learn the best tips to take care of your eyelashes.

  • Brush your eyelashes

As with hair, it is important to brush your eyelashes, there are specific brushes for eyelashes and eyebrows, brushing should be done from the roots to the tips, if you want to strengthen them you can apply a drop of almond oil on the brush before brushing.

  • Protect your eyelashes from the sun

Just as the sun damages the skin, it causes damage to the eyelashes, and the use of sunglasses is recommended to protect them from UV rays.

  • Use the eyelash curler correctly

Improper use of the eyelash curler can weaken the eyelashes or even cut them. For correct use, it is advisable to heat the eyelash curler with the hair dryer and not abuse its use.

  • Removing make-up before going to sleep

When removing makeup from your eyelashes do not rub your eyes, do it carefully so as not to damage the eyelashes.

  • Nourish your eyelashes as you nourish your skin.

After removing makeup, use almond oil or petroleum jelly on them, this will help nourish them during the night.

  • Eat a healthy diet

Nutrition is key to having healthy skin, hair, and nails, in general, the whole body. If you lack vitamins in your diet, your eyelashes may suffer weakening and fall out prematurely.

GOLLEE Pro Eyelash Extension

Final words.

To achieve a deep and different look there are many ways, eyelash extensions are ideal to achieve what you want, by applying them at home you have the advantage of saving money and also look spectacular, being semi-permanent you have the option to vary the combination of lengths and create a more natural or more dramatic look, likewise eyelash extensions generate saving time and effort to have the eyelashes fixed every day.

It is important to apply them correctly and take the necessary care to make eyelash extensions last longer, with all the information provided above you can apply eyelash extensions using the best products of the Gollee brand and achieve the effect you want and are looking to get for your look.

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