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Mistakes to avoid if you lash from home

GOLLEE Pro Eyelash Extension

It’s possible that you, as a novice lash artist, will make some or all of these mistakes at some point in the early stages of your professional career. We will walk you through the steps necessary to circumvent these challenges, such as establishing clear boundaries between you and your client, taking adequate pauses, and, most importantly, complying with the requirements put forth by your local council. Put yourself in a position to succeed right from the start!

To avoid making these common errors when lashing out from home:

  1. Failing to verify regulations.
  2. Skipping proper breaks.
  3. Failing to establish appropriate boundaries with customers.
  4. Absence of regular business hours
  5. Tolerance of clients who do not show up or arrive late

Failing to verify regulations

To run a business out of your house, you must comply with a certain council’s rules and regulations, which will vary from council to council. You must perform the necessary research and apply for the required licenses to lawfully do business from the comfort of your home. Common restrictions that you need to consider include whether your flooring is carpeted or tiled, the presence or absence of a wash sink in the room, and so on (again, the best way to find out about these regulations is to call your local council). You can be penalized thousands of dollars if you do not have the necessary permits to set up a shop in your home. This can be detrimental to your company’s success and bring you a lot of unnecessary stress.

When you launch your business, it is in your best interest to perform some research and preparation first to avoid wasting time and effort later on.

Skipping proper breaks.

Have you ever reached the middle of a set and felt slightly off your feet or lightheaded? Yes? It’s a sign that you’re low on energy and must feed your body to keep working throughout the day. Maintain your energy by eating a healthy lunch, drinking a lot of water (no, just drinking coffee won’t cut it), and eating a full meal at the beginning of the workout. Make sure you allow yourself enough time by scheduling 30 minutes to an hour to eat something other than ramen noodles, a muesli bar, and coffee while you are working. This will guarantee that you give yourself enough time.

If you still have time, take advantage of it by going outside to get some vitamin D or taking a stroll around the neighborhood to get your blood pumping through your legs. When we are sedentary all the time, going for a short walk might benefit our health and help us reach our goals.

Failing to establish appropriate boundaries with customers.

Because you spend so much time crafting each customer’s ideal environment to ensure they are relaxed and at ease, developing a relationship with them is essential to the success of our business. Nonetheless, customers should not violate your personal space in any way while they are there. Customers shouldn’t arrive at your residence more than five minutes before their scheduled time (or whatever timeframe you’ve laid out in your rules and policies). If they can do that, then there’s no reason they can’t visit a few hours in advance to see if you can fit them in earlier. Simply because it works for them does not necessarily mean it will work for you or your company.

It is essential to ensure that all your customers know the ground rules from the beginning. If it begins to feel like they are invading your home or your time, it may be a good idea to simply remind them that this is your business, which you operate from home, and that you would prefer to keep business within business hours. If it continues to feel as though they are invading your home or your time, it may be a good idea to simply remind them that this is your

Absence of regular business hours

Along the same lines as establishing clear boundaries with customers, it is important to establish regular work hours right from the start. Do not deviate from these hours under any circumstances; if you do, you may find that new customers and even your regular customers begin to message you at all hours of the night, pleading with you to accommodate their scheduling needs at the last minute, even though this is supposed to be your time off. Setting regular work hours can make it easier to distinguish the time you spend working as a lash technician from the time you spend at home.

It also indicates that once it is closing time or once you have finished working with your last client for the day, you are free to leave work where it is (in your room) and go home for the day. You will experience burnout in the long run if there are no set working hours and you continue working through the late hours of the night (and this does not just refer to lashing out at customers, but also to your administrative duties). Because of the mental, physical, and emotional strain that you will be under for an extended period, you will continually feel fatigued and overburdened by the many responsibilities that lie in waiting for you. Consequently, you won’t have the energy necessary to keep up with the production of quality work or your ordinary day-to-day responsibilities.

Tolerance of clients who do not show up or arrive late

Your customers must know that, despite running your business out of your home, you still maintain your guidelines and standards, which they are expected to follow at all times. If you accept their acts in the past, you will continue to accept them in the future.

Make it abundantly clear from the beginning that you will not tolerate clients who do not show up for their scheduled appointments (also known as “no-shows”), clients who arrive late without informing you, or clients who bring additional guests. Late cancellations will result in a charge equal to fifty percent of the total service fee, and a no-show could result in a charge equal to one hundred percent of the total service fee.

Why should it be any different when you do it from the comfort of your own home? The vast majority of beauty salons, including those offering laser appointments, facials, or hair salon services, do not permit customers to bring in additional guests unless those guests also receive a service at the salon. It would not be productive for you or your company and could hurt the rest of your day.

There are several wonderful booking systems available nowadays that can be of assistance in the process of formulating regulations for beauty companies. Some examples of booking systems include Fresha, Timely, and Acuity, but there are many others as well. You may even personalize them to suit your tastes. Every one of them needs the customer to read the policies and then sign off on them after doing so. It is possible that it is a good idea to write down all of the policies and rules you can think of that you would want for your company, choose the most important ones that resonate with you, and put them into effect from the very beginning.

When we permit our customers to be late for their appointments, they miss out on important lashing time. You will have the impression that you need to rush through the set, and it is possible that the client will not like the result. To make the most of their appointment time, it is important to politely remind customers to arrive on time.

When Starting Your Lash Business, Avoid These 10 Mistakes

You eat, breathe, and sleep lashing, but you can’t shake the feeling that there must be more to life. You’ve realized that you’ve found your true vocation, and now you want to launch your lash business to take it to the next level. The process of creating a lash salon is a labor of love that can be quite satisfying, despite the fact that it requires a significant investment of both time and money. At Gollee, we know the thrilling and terrifying nature of taking that first step. This article will discuss ten frequent mistakes that should be avoided when beginning a new small business to ensure its continued existence.

Allowing Fear to Tke Over

There is always some risk involved when starting a new firm, and the initial year is typically the most difficult. When you are prepared with several different options, it is not a problem when things do not go according to plan. Often, salon owners place excessive emphasis on developing a strategy for success, while in reality, they should be prepared to fail. When you recognize problems as they arise, you will be better positioned to deal with them immediately and keep your company afloat. This may sound backward, but it is true. Remember that you have no control over the weather, but you may take precautions to protect yourself from the oncoming storm—but only if you can anticipate its arrival.

Lack of a Business Plan

It’s unnecessary to overcomplicate your company plan, but having one is almost always preferable to having none. Your business plan must incorporate the overhead expenses of operating your salon, such as rent and utility bills. You’ll need to figure out exactly where your cash will come from, what kind of lash artists you want to hire, and whether or not you want to continue working on your own or with other people. You must decide which products to stock for the back bar and retail, the full menu of services, and acceptable pricing for each option. Not only does this make it possible for you to run your new company efficiently, but it also improves your odds of securing financial assistance from financial institutions and, if necessary, from the government through grants and loans. In addition to the financials, you will need to research your competition, gather demographic information, and get a sufficient understanding of your target audience.

Having Trouble Keeping Track of Numbers

Earning a profit is the objective of every business owner; however, how can you ensure that you are making the greatest decisions for your company to accomplish this objective? It is absolutely necessary that you keep a close eye on both your profits and your losses in order to adjust both your plan and your estimates appropriately. It’s possible that working with numbers is your thing. Still, if that’s not the case, we strongly suggest you engage a qualified bookkeeper or accountant to ensure accuracy and relieve you of this significant burden of obligation. Thanks to their assistance, they ensure that everything is submitted correctly and that you do not mistakenly overpay or underpay when it comes to your taxes. Both you and your money are safeguarded when your financial matters are handled by a trained expert, which is also beneficial to the well-being of your company.

Working too independently

You may have heard that becoming a business owner means giving up a 9 to 5 job and working around the clock. Yet, the secret to success in this endeavor is to work smarter, not harder. Many of us are afflicted with the “do-it-myself syndrome,” but in order to achieve success and prevent burnout, we need to maintain an open mind and rely on the assistance of others. It is foolish to attempt to go at it alone, even if you have the impression that you have everything under control. It is not a show of weakness to start your firm with a collaborative mindset, and it is also not a sign of weakness to seek people for assistance. Keeping parties that have a financial stake in each other can be financially beneficial and help with decision-making, testing new ideas, and receiving feedback. Finding an intellectual support system such as a mentor or a business coach to understand the ins and outs of your field and build on the foundation of knowledge laid by others is equally as important.

In addition to obtaining an esthetics or cosmetology license, depending on your state’s regulations, you may also be required to obtain a business license in addition to a salon license. After completing this first step, the next step is to register your lash company. You are now in a position to safeguard your intellectual property if you conduct business under the appropriate legal structure, such as a sole proprietorship or a limited liability company (LLC). You should also consider purchasing an insurance policy to safeguard yourself from unforeseen and unfavorable occurrences that may be possible in the future (scleral burn, allergic reaction, slip-and-fall, etc.). Insurance aims to protect your company and its finances from claims involving bodily injury, property damage, and professional responsibility.

Making Poor Hiring Choices

Do not fall victim to the common pitfall of immediately hiring an excessive number of lash artists rather than the appropriate lash artists. Always put quality before quantity in your priorities. It is not necessary for someone to be a certified lash artist in order for you to believe that they have mastered the many lash styles that you wish to offer at your salon. Training new lashers on various lash techniques is a significant investment of time and money if not already included in your budget. You will need to consider the length of time they have been applying lashes, the qualifications they have earned, and a portfolio of their previous lash work. You are responsible to the customers you serve to ensure that the staff you bring on is customer-oriented and can provide consistently luxurious experiences. In addition, for your team to be successful in cross-promoting services and selling retail, they need to have an excellent understanding of the sales field.

You Aren’t Investing in Your Brand

Lashing is regarded as a specialty, unlike the hair salon business, which is widely saturated. Yet, demand is increasing exponentially, and you must do all possible to stand out from the crowd. You want to brand your entire company’s image consistently. Working with a marketing team might help you boost your visual identity if you have problems deciding on a logo design or brand aesthetic. As you may have noticed, with huge organizations, branding evolves and refines over time to prevent being perceived as old and to fit a specific market.

Ignoring Digital Presence

Having a high level of online presence is effective. Social media is an excellent venue for displaying your actual self while also promoting your business. Being genuine in your postings and videos will give potential clients a true sense of your personality. It also allows established clients who follow you to see more of the people with whom they are putting their money. Running advertising on Instagram and Facebook and actively creating content can be cost-effective and help you target your ideal client. You’ll need to register your business with Google and Yelp so that customers can discover you and post reviews. Finally, you must create a website for your company to appear more credible and professional, not to mention increase your online visibility with SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

View of the Salon Interior

Initial impressions are crucial! According to research, people create their first impressions of others in as little as 7 seconds. Because some clients will see the room before you, you want the interior design of your salon to be equally as appealing, if not more so. Like your online presence, your interior environment should represent the same branding and personality while also being a magical place where clients may feel pampered. The experience that comes with both atmosphere and service will elicit a good emotion in your clients. When decorating, always express yourself, but avoid anything too trendy, or you will have to update your interior more frequently.

Inadequate Customer Service

You already know how great people feel about themselves after getting a new pair of lashes. When you and your team assist them in developing a sense of confidence and self-esteem, it fosters loyalty. Because they are the driving force behind revenue, providing continuous, high-quality service is vital. In the same way that referrals bring in new clients, sharing their unpleasant experiences hurts client retention and discourages prospective clients from visiting your salon. Accept that you will never please everyone, but even managing a client complaint right is delivering outstanding customer service. Finally, you must put client pleasure above everything else and teach the same values to your employees.

Final Thoughts

You’ve launched your lash business, and we’ve advised you about the common pitfalls to avoid while getting started. It’s time to re-evaluate, go through the checklist, and ensure you’ve planned everything so your lash business runs smoothly from the start!

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