Eyelash extensions are becoming increasingly popular, especially early in your relationship with your eyelash extension client, you may notice that their lashes are crunchy and itchy.
Eyelash extensions are a great way to improve your appearance. Whether your client wears them daily or on special occasions, they can transform the eyes and add glamour. Unfortunately, you may encounter crunchy eyelash extensions as a problem at times, and it will be up to you to resolve the issue!
Your eyelash extension clients may complain that their extensions feel crunchy as if something is stuck between their lashes. It's most likely because your eyelash extension adhesive has dried out over time, or you're applying for the extensions with an old pair of tweezers. While they may be uncomfortable to wear, the good news is that there are simple solutions how to fix crunchy eyelash extensions that will satisfy both you and your clients!
- 1 A quick background on lash extensions
- 2 Are Crunchy Extensions Normal?
- 3 Signs Of Inappropriate Application
- 4 What can cause eyelash extensions to feel crunchy?
- 5 Why Do Lash Extensions Hurt During Appointments?
- 6 Which Eyelash Extensions Aren't Crunchy or Plastic?
- 7 How to Restore Crunchy Eyelashes
- 8 How can your clients avoid crunchy eyelashes?
- 9 Conclusion
Whether it's your first time getting eyelash extensions or not, a "crunchy" sensation can be unsettling. Have you ever wondered, "Why do my eyelash extensions feel crunchy?" Some startling ideas may cross your mind. Does this imply that you have an eye infection? Were your extensions incorrectly applied? Here's what you need to know if your eyelash extensions are crunchy.
A quick background on lash extensions
Lash extensions are a popular beauty treatment that includes attaching synthetic lashes to your natural lash line to give the appearance of longer, lashes. Though they can be a great way to achieve your desired look, it's important to be aware of the side effects before you book an appointment. One of the most common complaints among lash extension wearers is that their natural lashes seem shorter after having the extensions removed. There are two main factors for this. First off, eyelash extensions typically come in set lengths—usually between 0.25 and 0.75 millimeters—which may make your lashes appear shorter than they were before because they're not as long as when you first got them done. Secondly, removing eyelash extensions actually doesn't grow hair back; instead, the hair simply falls out. Once you've had your extensions removed, over time your natural lashes will start growing back on their own and may even end up being slightly longer than they were pre-extensions. If the goal is achieving a more dramatic look then go ahead with another set of lash extensions but if the length isn't so much of an issue then consider trying mascara instead!
Eyelash extensions have become increasingly popular over recent years. When extensions are applied, individual hairs from your natural lash line are cut and glued onto a false lash strip to create a thicker effect. When you remove these false lashes, the individual hairs at the root break away from the glue that was holding them down and fall out. What remains is sparse ‘roots’ where new hairs won’t grow until they reach around 10cm – which takes around six weeks! In other words, yes your lashes will eventually get back to normal length post-extension removal - but this process could take weeks or months depending on how frequently one wears extensions.
Are Crunchy Extensions Normal?
Crunchy extensions could be caused by an outdated extension material, an incorrect diameter choice, an incorrect number of lashes placed, improper glue use, and an incorrect aftercare regimen. It could be one of these and factors, and an experienced lash artist will not make these errors.
Your client can avoid crunchy extensions by cleaning her lashes regularly. Because eyelash extensions have adhered with an adhesive, they can react with your natural oils, makeup, and dirt. If left unclean, this can cause eye conditions such as blepharitis or break down the adhesive in extensions, resulting in premature deterioration. Your client should Invest in an eyelash extension cleanser, wash her lashes with water, use a soft spoolie brush, and use an oil-free makeup remover to clean your eyelash extensions.
Signs Of Inappropriate Application
Pain During or Following Application
There should never be any discomfort during or after an eyelash extension. Admittedly, allergic reactions to the adhesive are uncommon. If the client mentions a history of sensitive skin, a certified lash technician will know to perform a patch test. You should also take all necessary precautions to ensure that no chemicals end up in the client’s eyes. Any signs of burning or pain should be addressed immediately.
IF CLIENT IS Having Trouble Brushing Lashes
Brushing is an essential part of the aftercare regimen, if eyelash extensions prevent your client from brushing them at any point, she should be concerned right away. If lashes continue to stick together or she notices any tenderness while brushing them, this could be an indication of improper extension application.
The clients’ lashes are clumpy or crusty in appearance
As previously stated, a "crunchy" sensation is normal in the first few hours after application. Because extensions are attached with adhesive, it may take up to 48 hours for your lashes to settle. If this persists for more than a few days, something is wrong; this is especially true if they appear clumpy and crusty, with a "crunchy" sensation.
What can cause eyelash extensions to feel crunchy?
While it is normal for eyelash extensions to feel crunchy on the first day as the lash glue settles, there may be other reasons for the crackly sensation.
Eyelash extensions can be time-consuming, but when done correctly, they make eyes appear more fluttering and awake. Furthermore, the client looks more put together every morning and avoids the daily annoyance of curling natural lashes or wearing falsies.
Whether the client is getting lash extensions for the first time or has been wearing them for a long time, there are some common problems clients should be aware of. They can become twisted, bent, or crunchy.
The most common cause of eyelash extensions feeling crunchy is the material used to make them. Those made of synthetic fibers (acrylic) have a hard, crusty, and plastic-like appearance.
However, it is possible that the lash technician made a mistake. A poor application technique, such as using too much glue, can also cause lash extensions to feel crunchy. And for the reasons listed below!
Synthetic fiber is used to make lash extensions.
Acrylic fiber eyelash extensions are more durable and create a more dramatic look. While synthetic volume lashes can help you achieve a thicker appearance, they do have a few drawbacks.
Because none of us have those healthy and thick natural lashes, most ladies do not find these extensions comfortable on their eyes. Synthetic lash extensions are typically recommended by the lash technician to younger ladies who want a more dramatic look on their already dense natural lashes.
The synthetic fiber is polished and hardened into the lash extensions after extensive processing. As a result, touching these volume eyelashes feels crunchy, and crusty,
Poorly Made Eyelash Extensions
Various brands provide lash extensions of varying quality. The lash stylist may apply low-quality volume lashes to eyes to earn extra money, or clients may be duped while purchasing a low-cost pair online.
If eyelash extensions exhibit any of the following characteristics, they may be made of low-quality material.
They lose curls within a few days.
When touched, it feels brittle and crunchy.
They have a shaky grip and fall away quickly.
Lash extensions with a diameter that is too large
Nylon or another low-quality synthetic fiber can be used in crunchy lash extensions. They are difficult to break with your finger and do not stay on your eyes for long.
Extensions of the lashes Too much glue is used, or the glue is of poor quality.
One of the most important components of eyelash extensions is adhesive. And using low-quality glue can have a variety of consequences, including dry and crunched lashes.
Cyanoacrylate, a potent bonding agent, is present in all lash extension glues. Furthermore, formaldehyde is present in the adhesive. As a result, if the lash stylist applies too much glue to eyelash extensions, they may feel crunchy.
Cyanoacrylate dries out when it comes into contact with moisture, leaving volume lashes dry and crusty. Formaldehyde, on the other hand, can also be dried.
So, whenever clients consider getting lash extensions, they should consult with an expert and select a high-quality adhesive.
Uncleaned Volume Lashes
Getting lash extensions can be quite expensive. As a result, we should try to avoid anything that could harm them. You've probably heard that you shouldn't touch or clean your eyelash extensions to keep them from falling out too quickly. All of this, however, is false.
Clients may need to cleanse their volume lashes after removing their makeup. Otherwise, chemicals and dust can accumulate, leaving them sticky and crunchy at times.
It's also not a good idea to keep eyelash extensions dry all the time.
Using Lash Cleaning Products With Alcohol and Sulfates
Alcohols and sulfates are both notorious for stripping moisture from natural hair. However, using eyelash extension cleaning products containing these chemicals can cause your volume lashes to become brittle, and crunchy.
While it is uncommon, using harsh shampoos or soaps on lash extensions can cause them to become crunchy. As a result, use gentle cleansing shampoo on your face and volume lashes. Unless you wear shower goggles, your eyelash extensions will be exposed to all of the cleaning agents you use on your face and hair.
Why Do Lash Extensions Hurt During Appointments?
Let's look at what symptoms to look for during treatment and why clients might be in pain.
Symptoms of Pain During an Eyelash Extension Session
Eyelid ache: During a session, clients may experience stinging pain in their eyelids. Some people may experience tingling sensations in addition to pain.
Pulling feeling: When the lash technician applies extensions, clients may feel a tugging sensation on their lash line or natural lashes. It may appear that the extensions are pulling on their natural lashes.
Irritation: There is a chance that clients will experience a chemical burn in their eyes. In most cases, it is transient and often mild and does not worsen after the initial irritation. If the problem persists, advise your client to remove the lashes.
Reasons Lash Extensions Cause Pain During Appointment
Craftsmanship: If the technician who applied lash extensions is inexperienced, the source of the client’s pain could be their poor technique. Any error made by the lash technician during the treatment, whether it is related to the application or curing of the glue, can end up hurting the eyes. If the lash technician applies glue to the client’s eyelids instead of natural lashes, it can cause damage to the lids. It may also be detrimental if the technician applies the lash tape well past the waterline rather than immediately bordering it.
Opening eyes when they should be closed: Normally, you should be working while the client’s eyes are closed, but if they open them, there may be consequences. If they open your eyes during the treatment, it can irritate the treatment.
Adjustment: Having their eyes closed for the duration of the appointment may cause some clients' eyes to dry out. In addition, the technician would use very bright lights to improve visibility. This may cause mild discomfort in your eyes, and you may need to adjust for a few minutes.
Which Eyelash Extensions Aren't Crunchy or Plastic?
Eyelash extensions are currently available on the market in three different materials. Acrylic is commonly used to create a dramatically thicker appearance. They are, extremely stiff and straight, with gritted edges. Volume lashes of this type are more likely to feel crunchy and brittle.
Silk fiber or real mink lash extensions are the way to go if you want a comfortable set of lash extensions. They are softer and more delicate, producing more natural-looking eyelashes.
Because of their lightweight and comfortable feel, silk and mink lash extensions are ideal for applying thin eyelashes.
Faux mink eyelashes have recently gained popularity because they are glossy and almost feel natural when touched. Unlike those made of synthetic fiber, they do not twist or drop.
How to Restore Crunchy Eyelashes
There are a few things you can do to help your client's eyelash extensions if they are feeling crunchy. To begin, try brushing them out with a softer brush. If that doesn't work, try lightly smoothing them down with a slightly dampened cotton swab. You can also use a lash serum or oil to help moisturize and make the lashes more flexible. If these steps don't work, it's time for a new pair of lashes!
There are a few reasons why your client's lash extensions may feel crunchy, and luckily, you can do something about it. If the extensions become too dry, they will become brittle and break. This is why it's critical to hydrate them daily. If your lashes are matted, try lightly separating them with a soft-bristled brush. Finally, if the extensions are worn out and need to be replaced, you can suggest that your client come in for a refill. Clients frequently inquire about the duration of their extensions, but there is no exact answer because we all have different lash thicknesses and rates of growth.
How can your clients avoid crunchy eyelashes?
If you've ever had eyelash extensions applied, you know what it's like to wake up with long, voluminous lashes for the first time. However, after a few days or weeks, your lashes may begin to feel crunchy. What causes this, and what you can do about it, are explained below.
The main cause of lash extensions feeling crunchy is the products you're using. The majority of people use mascara, which is fine if it is water-based. However, if you use an oil-based product, it can weaken the bond between the extension and your natural lash. Furthermore, if you are not careful when removing your makeup, you may pull out some of the extensions. If this has happened before, wash your face gently with a gentle cleanser and apply Vaseline to the tops of the extensions before removing them. It will help keep them from being pulled again. Finally, inform your client that there are numerous ways to maintain their new extensions. There are good oils to use and bad oils (oil-based makeup removers) to avoid if they don't want their lashes to become crunchy again. They should also avoid sleeping with their contacts on because it will harm both their natural and false lashes! After three to four weeks of wearing the extensions, it's time to have them removed.
There are a few things you may do to assist if your client's eyelash extensions are feeling crunchy. Try gently brushing them with a dry, clean mascara brush first. If that doesn't work, you might try applying lash oil or serum to the lashes to help hydrate and make them more flexible. Finally, if everything else fails, you can always recommend that your client visit for a fill or a fresh set of lashes. The goal is to keep experimenting until you find what works best for you and your customers, even if it might feel like there is an unending list of beauty dos and don'ts when it comes to applying lashes. Everyone will be content that way!