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Can a Pregnant Women have an Eyelash Extension?

GOLLEE Pro Eyelash Extension

Although being pregnant can be a lovely, exciting time, it can also be very stressful. While pregnant ladies are naturally beautiful, they enjoy enhancing their appearance! So many women find that treating themselves to specific beauty procedures may make them feel like millionaires. And there are several concerns regarding the safety of getting lash extensions while pregnant.

Pregnant women who wish to receive lash extensions may hesitate to schedule the procedure because they are unsure of its safety. When getting procedures done while pregnant, it's best to check, and you can never be too careful.

So let's find out if getting lash extensions while pregnant is possible.

Pregnancy and lash extensions: safety

Client safety should always come first for lash technicians! What other health and safety concerns should lash technicians take into account? We are all aware of the significance of taking care of things like making sure clients aren't allergic to the lash adhesive we use.

Are lash extensions safe during pregnancy? It is a question we get a lot, and it makes sense. Questions about the safety of eyelash extensions during pregnancy are sure to come up at some time in your career because the bulk of a lash tech's clientele are women.

By going through this helpful blog post about lash extensions during pregnancy, you can ensure you have the information you need to avoid confusing yourself or your client.

Going the additional mile can make all the difference; you can be sure your compassion will be recognized and rewarded through loyalty and recommendations. We also provide some priceless ideas on ensuring your pregnant customer is as comfortable as possible during the lash application procedure.

* Pregnant women can wear eyelash extensions because they are a non-invasive beauty procedure. As a lash artist, you must take the necessary safety procedures when doing the procedure. It is always advised for clients to speak with a licensed medical professional before obtaining eyelashes while pregnant.

GOLLEE Pro Eyelash Extension

Is getting eyelash extensions while pregnant dangerous?

There may be some danger when having lash extensions while pregnant, as with other things. Dos and don'ts for pregnant women are plentiful such as avoiding caffeine. But when it comes to lash extensions, things aren't quite so cut and dry, for better or worse.

Lash Glue

A pregnant client would want to avoid getting their lashes done during this time as there isn't enough information available about how to lash glue can damage the baby in the womb. You've done your bit in ensuring that your client is aware of any potential hazards as long as you are sincere when describing the uncertainties surrounding lash glue and pregnancy.

The glue used in the bonding procedure is the primary source of worry when it comes to receiving eyelash extensions while pregnant.

It also can adversely affect the adhesive used for eyelash extensions.

You must understand the makeup of lash adhesives in order to explain how an allergic reaction to the lash adhesive could happen.

Eyelash adhesives contain a variety of ingredients, including:

  • Coloring agent
  • Adhesive ingredient
  • Stabilizing agent
  • Thickening agent
  • … and more

The main component of eyelash extension adhesives is cyanoacrylate, which is frequently used as an immediate adhesive. Cyanoacrylate is an acrylic resin that, when left alone in the container, exists in a liquid state but quickly polymerizes when exposed to water. A chemical reaction occurs when a single molecule interacts with water; the molecules start to build long, sturdy chains and settle into a hard solid form.

What relevance does this have to an allergic reaction, then? Formaldehyde is the most frequent cause of allergic reactions.

When cyanoacrylate cures, a chemical called formaldehyde is released during the polymerization process. When the airborne formaldehyde concentration is greater than 0.1 ppm, some people experience negative effects.

These side effects include:

  • Watery eyes
  • Burning feeling in the eyes
  • A cough
  • Vomiting
  • Skin irritability

However, there are strategies to reduce this risk! To lessen the smells that lash glue generates, you can follow these steps:

Have a well-ventilated lash room

Most women's smelling sensitivity increases during pregnancy. They become more aware of many substances, including chemicals. Your lash salon should have good ventilation to keep the fumes away. Most women find it difficult to tolerate the glue's scent, and this is because there is inadequate ventilation.

GOLLEE Pro Eyelash Extension

Apply less glue

Applying too many adhesives increases the likelihood of your client becoming more irritated by the fumes. When you think about it, it's actually quite simple: the more glue you use, the more fumes you release, so use less adhesive overall for better outcomes.

Use a sensitive lash glue.

Because it will keep the extensions in place and strengthen them, the right glue for eyelash extensions is crucial. The finest eyelash adhesive for your clients will rely on their preferences among the various wide varieties available.

For clients who are sensitive to glue, some lash adhesives are created especially for them. Sensitive adhesives often provide less retention than some adhesives that are stronger.

In order for the clients to maintain their lashes, they might require more regular refills.

It is crucial to consider the glue's quality as well. Cheap glues may irritate the skin and potentially increase allergic reactions. You need to use premium glue that won't harm their eyes.

Do a Patch test

Prior to the lash extension process, a patch test should ALWAYS be performed.

Although allergic reactions to eyelash extensions are rare, expecting mothers and others who are new to the world of synthetic lash extensions are advised to undergo a patch test. It is for the purpose of determining whether they might respond to the adhesive used to apply eyelash extensions.

Even if a pregnant woman has never experienced any problems previously, patch tests are still highly necessary. If they previously had no history of allergies, they are less likely to develop one while pregnant, but it is still vital to perform a patch test prior to the application.

How come?

Due to the limited medical treatments that are safe to employ while pregnant, treating allergies during pregnancy can be challenging.

What, then, is a patch test?

The application of a few lash extensions (about 10) to the outer corner of one eye serves as a painless and risk-free patch test. This test is designed to determine whether the trace amount of formaldehyde causes an allergic reaction.

You should monitor the region for any indications of irritation or redness within the following 24 to 48 hours. The procedure can be carried out without concern for allergic reactions or discomfort during or after the procedure if there is no redness or irritation.

Treatment must not be administered if there is any indication of redness, irritation, or swelling.

*** Do not recommend medications; you don't have medical training. Always suggest to your customer that they consult with their doctor before getting lash extensions.

After a patch test, if there is irritation, you'll need to think about some other options.

If an allergic reaction occurs, remove the eyelashes.

The best course of action is to remove the extensions as soon as possible if your clients suffer an allergic reaction after receiving eyelash extensions.

In the event of a severe allergic response, they should seek immediate medical attention.

Additionally, those who have previously had an allergic reaction are more likely to do so again. Because of this, it is advised to stay away from lash extensions and choose different options.

Do not accept new clients that are pregnant.

There is a difference between a regular customer who has had lash extensions for some time and becomes pregnant and a pregnant customer who wants lash extensions for the first time.

It is less likely, though still possible, to suddenly develop an allergy to the lash adhesive.

Because it's impossible to predict how a pregnant woman will respond, getting her lashes done for the first time is thought to be riskier.

You might give the new client a comprehensive explanation of the circumstances and ask them whether they still want to proceed. You should, at the very least, run a patch test.

In order to reduce the possibility of any eye irritation for your clients, the adhesive must cure as quickly as possible. Using a Nano mister can complete the process in only a few minutes. Your clients can open their eyes without being shocked by jarring smells, thanks to the soothing mist.

As this is still a requirement for many because of Covid-19, asking your client to wear a mask during their appointment shouldn't be seen as too unusual.

The difference between a decent and a fantastic customer experience may definitely be made by taking these few extra steps to support your client.

An allergic reaction to lash glue

The issue of allergies is a major worry for several lash artists when applying lashes to pregnant clients, and it makes sense why. Unfortunately, because of the risk to the unborn child, it is recommended that we avoid using a variety of medications while pregnant. If the client were to get an allergic reaction to the lash adhesive you're applying, this might be really dangerous.

Some women might want to stay away from lash extensions while expecting because they have fewer options for medications they can use to manage and lessen the consequences of an allergic reaction.

What if you've previously given them extensions? An allergic reaction, which is an example of a continuous allergy in which the body develops a defense against an allergen, can occur to anyone at any moment, as we are all aware. The simple answer is that nothing is sure because the body goes through so many physiological changes during pregnancy that it's difficult to predict how it will react to items it generally tolerates.

What to do if a client has a lash allergy?

The most important thing is to inform your clients not to rub their eyes. The eyelashes and the eyelash line may itch for a variety of reasons. It's crucial to avoid scratching irritated eyelashes because doing so could aggravate or even infect the area.

When a client comes in with an eyelash extension allergy, it is best to remove the lash glue from their eyes as soon as possible so that the allergy does not worsen.

If their allergy worsens and becomes infected, they should see a doctor.

GOLLEE Pro Eyelash Extension

Lying on their back pregnant

You may not have thought about the posture your clients are in when getting their eyelashes applied. The issue arises because clients typically lay flat on their backs as they apply for extensions.

Here are two things you should consider:

  • Your client can comfortably lie on their back as usual if she is less than 20 weeks pregnant.
  • Your client cannot comfortably lie on her back if she is more than 20 weeks pregnant.

After 20 weeks, or almost halfway through the second trimester, pregnant women are warned against laying flat on their backs. Applying the client's lashes, as usual, shouldn't provide any significant difficulties or risks if she is still in the early stages of pregnancy.

However, there are some actions you can take to make sure they're both as comfortable as possible and aren't endangering their baby when they're a little farther along in their pregnancy:

  • Your lash bed should be tilted.
  • Give them a pillow to put under their legs for comfort.

Have clients take a break

Allow a few breaks when applying the extensions; this could be as simple as letting your client stand up and walk around the room for a while or sit upright on a chair in between applying extensions to each eye.

Pregnant women frequently experience agitation and discomfort, which may be brought on by the baby's size. You should be aware of the possibility that you won't be able to finish the procedure without pausing.

You need to schedule brief breaks throughout the session so you can both get some fresh air, unwind, and use the restroom.

Even better, you can decide to apply an eye and then take a lengthy break to decompress, unwind, and eat. These brief breaks would make your client's appointment run more smoothly.

* To avoid being late and stressed up for your other clients, factor extra time for lashing a pregnant client into your appointment plan.

Watch out for your client's expectations regarding hair growth and hair loss during pregnancy.

Pregnancy-related hair loss and hair growth are individual experiences for each woman. The retention of their eyelash extensions may be impacted by hormones. If you inform them in advance about potential retention problems, they won't be as shocked if the results aren't what they expected.

Some of your clients might gain hair when they are pregnant. This suggests that their extensions can grow out too long much more quickly than they are accustomed to, necessitating more regular fills.

You should inform clients who have just given birth or who are planning to do so about hair loss and how it may damage their eyelash extensions. After giving birth, many women experience hair loss, which means that they will also lose their extensions.

Pregnancy affects every woman differently; you might advise a customer about hair growth or loss only to discover that pregnancy has little of an impact on her hair. In any case, it's preferable to inform your client than to catch her off guard. She won't be disappointed by unexpected results if she manages her expectations.

Final Thoughts

There you have it, then! While it's impossible to give a definitive yes or no response to the question "Are lash extensions safe during pregnancy?" We do know that there are steps you can do to lower the risks and that many women do continue to get their lashes done without any issues at all!

Simply put, it's crucial to be absolutely transparent about these dangers so that your client may make an informed choice.

Although lash extensions won't damage a pregnant woman in and of themselves, it's important to consider any application-related hazards, such as fumes from the lash adhesive, the client's position, and the possibility of an allergic reaction.

It can take more time, effort, and planning on your part to work with pregnant clients. Making ensuring they are at ease and remain healthy while receiving their lash extensions is your top priority. That calls for going above and beyond to make sure customers have a wonderful experience.

However, the extra work involved in lashing a pregnant client is worthwhile since they get to share in their amazing labor and delivery experience! Additionally, you're assisting a busy woman going through a transitional moment in her life to feel confident and strong.

At Gollee

We hope you found this blog useful; as always, if you have any questions, please contact us via email. We will help you with any issues that you are facing.

And also you can check out our lash glue adhesives which are totally safe.

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